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Je rencontre actuellement un problème lors du lancement de l'agent tracker, j'ai le message d'erreur suivant :
X64P08DF002:/var/www/glpi/plugins/agent_tracker# perl
Can't locate Net/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 6 (#1)
(F) You said to do (or require, or use) a file that couldn't be
found. Perl looks for the file in all the locations mentioned in @INC,
unless the file name included the full path to the file. Perhaps you
need to set the PERL5LIB or PERL5OPT environment variable to say where
the extra library is, or maybe the script needs to add the library name
to @INC. Or maybe you just misspelled the name of the file. See
perlfunc/require and lib.
Uncaught exception from user code:
Can't locate Net/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 6.
at line 6
Mise en place de GLPI 0.72.1 + OCS 1.02.1 sur Debian.
J'ai parcouru le forum et n'ai trouver aucune erreure similaire. Dans l'attente d'une réponse je continuerai a chercher.
Merci d'avance.
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
Il manque des modules perl, voir le wiki du plugin, c'est tout marqué
Ok, je vais regarder de ce coté la. Merci
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
Voila, j'ai résolu ce problème. En revanche lors du lancement de l'agent tout a l'air de bien se passer : X64P08DF002:/var/www/glpi/plugins/agent_tracker# perl
Threads version: 1.67
== Discovery devices ==
The file has been successfully uploaded
The file has been successfully uploaded
== Query devices ==
<head><title>An Error Occurred</title></head>
<h1>An Error Occurred</h1>
<p>400 URL missing</p>
400 URL missing
The file as been successfully uploaded
Cependant j'ai ce message d'erreure dans les log d'apache:
[Wed Sep 09 13:46:50 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/glpi/plugins/tracker/css
Je ne voie pas a quoi c'est dû. Pourriez-vous m'orienté. Merci d'avance
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
c'est corrigé dans la prochaine version
Ok merci dans ce cas la je vais telecharger la derniere version. Merci beaucoup de ta présence
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
Heu dans la derniere version de GLPI ou du plugin???
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
du plugin mais c'est pas encore releasé
Ha d'accord j'attendrai dans ce cas la. Merci
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
Mais juste par curiosité, le problème est dû a quoi???
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
une erreur de code
Pourras-tu m'informer lorsqu'elle aura été corrigée. Merci d'avance.
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
Elle est déjà corrigée depuis un moment, ça arrivera avec la release dans quelques heures
Oki merci, je testerai sa lundi.
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
Bonjou, j'ai donc installer la nouvelle version de l'agent ainsi que du serveur. Lors de l'exécution du tout se passe bien :
Threads version: 1.67
==Discovery devices ==
The file has been successfully uploaded
The file has been successfully uploaded
== Querry devices ==
The file has been successfully uploaded
Cependant je n'ai aucune remontée matériel dans GLPI, voici les log du dernier lancement :
============== Start Agent ==============
Operating system : linux
Operating system version : 2.6.26-1-686
Operating system arch : i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Perl version : 5.10.0
Thread version : 1.67
ForkManager version : 0.7.5
SNMP version :
Zlib version : 2.012
AppConfig version : 1.56
UserAgent version : 5.813
HTTP Request Common version : 5.811
XML Simple version : 2.18
Data Dumper version : 2.121_14
FindBin version : 1.49
$VAR1 = {
'agent' => {
'threads_query' => '10',
'PID' => '02561516001',
'fragment' => 50,
'core_query' => '1',
'logs' => '2',
'key' => 'FQpMJErFPzHYlHFaxlwUtHxbOaDfW1',
'id' => '1',
'threads_discovery' => '10',
'core_discovery' => '1'
'discovery' => {
'rangeip' => {
'entity' => '0',
'id' => '1',
'ipend' => '',
'ipstart' => ''
'authentification' => {
'1' => {
'version' => '1',
'sec_name' => {},
'auth_passphrase' => {},
'community' => 'public',
'sec_level' => '0',
'priv_protocol' => '0',
'priv_passphrase' => {},
'auth_protocol' => '0'
'2' => {
'version' => '2c',
'sec_name' => {},
'auth_passphrase' => {},
'community' => 'public',
'sec_level' => '0',
'priv_protocol' => '0',
'priv_passphrase' => {},
'auth_protocol' => '0'
==== List of IP to discover ====
$VAR1 = {
'0' => {
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0',
'' => '0'
==== Discovery ====
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][1][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
[][NO][2c][public] No response from remote host ''
==== Query ====
================== END ==================
Je ne comprend pas pourquoi toutes les valeures sont à 0.
En attente d'une réponse, car je seche totalement sur le problème :s
Merci d'avance
Last edited by damien78 (2009-09-14 16:06:14)
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
le 0 c'est normal, en fait il te détecte en découverte seulement l'ip :
pour l'interrogation il n'a aucun équipement à interroger, donc il ne fait rien.
Ok, mais s'il m'a bien découvert l'ip 1.254 alors je devrais la retrouver dans découverte de matériel sur l'interface GLPI non?
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
Toujours sur le même problème, je n'arrive pas a lancer le script server ./ il m'affiche le message suivant :
./ line 12: php: command not found
Et lorsque je lance le .bat, j'ai encore plus de message d'erreur. Je ne comprend pas pourquoi sa n'arrive qu'a moi. Aidez moi. merci
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
./ line 12: php: command not found
vous n'avez pas installé le paquet php5-cli
Ok merci bien pour la réponse. J'arrive a lancer la commande, mais je n'ai aucune remontée d'information est-ce normal???
SE : Debian
Serveur Apache 2;MySql 5;Php 5
GLPI : 0.72.1 OCS : 1.02.1
Pages: 1