You are not logged in.
depuis la migration de mon GLPI existant (9.2.1 --> 9.3.3) , j'ai un très gros problème de lenteur sur 1 seule page, la page des tickets:
Aucune lenteur sur les autres pages, c'est uniquement à cet endroit que c'est extrêmement lent (+ de 40 secondes en moyenne avant l'affichage de la page, même lorsque je clique une nouvelle fois, immédiatement sur le même menu.
J'ai modifié les paramètres comme proposé dans ce lien, ça ne change rien:
J'ai activé les paramètres suivants pour la base de données:
Résultat: aucune query logguée comme étant trop lente...
Le query cache:
Résultat: légère amélioration mais encore très loin du compte...
La config OS:
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]# lscpu | grep CPU
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
CPU(s): 2
On-line CPU(s) list: 0,1
CPU family: 6
Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v3 @ 2.60GHz
CPU MHz: 2599.998
NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0,1
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]#
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]# free -h
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 3.7G 1.0G 318M 170M 2.4G 2.2G
Swap: 3.9G 14M 3.9G
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]#
La config BD:
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]# mysql --version
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.11-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]#
La config Apache:
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]# httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS)
Server built: Jun 27 2018 13:48:59
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]#
J'ai bien sûr activé le login GLPI.
Dans le fichier php-errors.log, une erreur est logguée en continu:
[2019-01-07 14:11:50] glpiphplog.ERROR: Toolbox::userErrorHandlerNormal() in /opt/glpi/inc/toolbox.class.php line 657
*** PHP Notice(8): Undefined variable: size1
Backtrace :
plugins/dashboard/front/main.php:468 include()
{"user":"1203@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.273\", 5.72Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 14:11:50] glpiphplog.ERROR: Toolbox::userErrorHandlerNormal() in /opt/glpi/inc/toolbox.class.php line 657
*** PHP Notice(8): Undefined variable: size2
Backtrace :
plugins/dashboard/front/main.php:468 include()
{"user":"1203@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.000\", 5.72Mio)"}
2019-01-07 14:11:50 [1073@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxx.xx]
Backtrace :
inc/toolbox.class.php:562 Toolbox::backtrace()
inc/db.function.php:485 Toolbox::deprecated()
plugins/formcreator/inc/form.class.php:1571 TableExists()
plugins/formcreator/setup.php:122 PluginFormcreatorForm::countAvailableForm()
inc/plugin.class.php:144 plugin_init_formcreator()
inc/includes.php:115 Plugin::load()
plugins/browsernotification/ajax/check.php:3 include()
2019-01-07 14:11:50 [1073@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxx.xx]
Backtrace :
inc/toolbox.class.php:562 Toolbox::backtrace()
inc/db.function.php:485 Toolbox::deprecated()
plugins/formcreator/inc/form.class.php:1572 TableExists()
plugins/formcreator/setup.php:122 PluginFormcreatorForm::countAvailableForm()
inc/plugin.class.php:144 plugin_init_formcreator()
inc/includes.php:115 Plugin::load()
plugins/browsernotification/ajax/check.php:3 include()
2019-01-07 14:11:50 [1073@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxx.xx]
Backtrace :
inc/toolbox.class.php:562 Toolbox::backtrace()
inc/dbutils.class.php:440 Toolbox::deprecated()
inc/db.function.php:238 DbUtils->getAllDataFromTable()
plugins/genericobject/inc/type.class.php:1589 getAllDatasFromTable()
plugins/genericobject/setup.php:172 PluginGenericobjectType::getTypes()
: plugin_post_init_genericobject()
inc/plugin.class.php:1285 call_user_func()
inc/includes.php:118 Plugin::doHook()
plugins/browsernotification/ajax/check.php:3 include()
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]#
Dès que je recharge la page qui pose problème, le CPU est très sollicité : --> https://glpi.xxxxxx.xx/front/ticket.php
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]# vmstat 5
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
1 0 15624 312016 125064 2340072 0 0 1 16 12 5 2 1 97 0 0
0 0 15624 311668 125068 2340128 0 0 0 432 1230 1798 10 3 83 4 0
1 0 15624 310800 125072 2340152 0 0 0 128 10116 19045 15 11 74 0 0
2 0 15624 248180 125076 2340176 0 0 0 120 8224 44286 53 34 13 0 0
2 0 15624 202252 125088 2340272 0 0 0 271 3222 41326 64 35 1 0 0
3 0 15624 168556 125104 2340372 0 0 0 730 2955 41768 65 35 1 0 0
2 0 15624 119412 125116 2340468 0 0 1 469 3193 39917 64 35 1 0 0
1 0 15624 312160 125132 2340508 0 0 0 307 11440 28539 67 28 5 0 0
1 0 15624 310388 125156 2340608 0 0 0 422 6682 14126 18 10 72 0 0
0 0 15624 310140 125160 2340640 0 0 0 35 648 847 4 1 95 0 0
0 0 15624 310016 125160 2340648 0 0 0 62 655 843 4 1 94 0 0
1 0 15624 309052 125160 2340688 0 0 0 38 834 967 10 2 89 0 0
0 0 15624 310032 125160 2340692 0 0 0 204 807 911 12 2 87 0 0
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 files]#
Quand la page est chargée dans le navigateur, le CPU revient entre 85 et 97% Idle.
Avant la migration, le chargement de cette page ne posait pas le moindre problème.
Je re-précise que c'est la seule page qui a un temps de réponse aussi catastrophique.
Je ne vois pas trop quoi optimiser... Pourrait-il s'agir d'un bug ?
Auriez-vous des pistes à proposer ?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide
pfff,je suis désolé, j'ai posté à la mauvaise place, mon install tourne sous linux.
Un admin du forum peut-il déplacer ce post au bon endroit ?
merci d'avance...
quelles sont les colonne affichées dans la liste des tickets ?
en mode debug : quelle est la requete sql qui prend du temps ?
Trouver la panne avant de réparer...
GLPI10.0.16 (ubuntu 22.04 PHP8.1 Mariadb10.6 ) plugins : comportements 2.7.3 reports 1.16.0 formcreator 2.13.9, datainjection 2.13.5 fields 1.21.9
comme dans le log php, c'est toujours la même erreur qui revient: (entre autres, une table manquante)
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# tail -200 sql-errors.log
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.76Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 16:59:29] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:707 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:1005 CommonGLPI->showTabsContent()
front/ticket.form.php:216 CommonGLPI->display()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 9.10Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 16:59:30] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.77Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 16:59:32] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.77Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 16:59:38] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:707 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:1005 CommonGLPI->showTabsContent()
front/ticket.form.php:216 CommonGLPI->display()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 9.10Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 16:59:38] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.76Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 17:00:08] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007150'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:707 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:1005 CommonGLPI->showTabsContent()
front/ticket.form.php:216 CommonGLPI->display()
{"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.002\", 9.19Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 17:00:09] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007150'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.85Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 17:00:18] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007150'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.85Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 17:01:14] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007150'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:707 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:1005 CommonGLPI->showTabsContent()
front/ticket.form.php:216 CommonGLPI->display()
{"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 9.19Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 17:01:15] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007150'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.85Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 17:08:19] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences` WHERE `id` = '1872'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:450 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:119 DbUtils->getAllDataFromTable()
plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:108 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkPreferenceValue()
plugins/tasklists/inc/menu.class.php:55 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkDefaultType()
inc/html.class.php:1426 PluginTasklistsMenu::getMenuContent()
inc/html.class.php:6190 Html::generateMenuSession()
inc/html.class.php:1532 Html::displayMainMenu()
front/ticket.php:40 Html::header()
{"user":"1872@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.006\", 8.73Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 17:09:01] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences` WHERE `id` = '1872'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:450 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:119 DbUtils->getAllDataFromTable()
plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:108 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkPreferenceValue()
plugins/tasklists/inc/menu.class.php:55 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkDefaultType()
inc/html.class.php:1426 PluginTasklistsMenu::getMenuContent()
inc/html.class.php:6190 Html::generateMenuSession()
inc/html.class.php:1532 Html::displayMainMenu()
front/dropdown.php:37 Html::header()
{"user":"1872@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.006\", 8.73Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 17:09:02] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_taskstates`
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_taskstates' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/commondbtm.class.php:546 DBmysql->list_fields()
inc/commondbtm.class.php:2987 CommonDBTM->getEmpty()
inc/dropdown.class.php:1136 CommonDBTM->isEntityAssign()
front/dropdown.php:44 Dropdown::showItemTypeList()
{"user":"1872@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.157\", 28.51Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 17:09:25] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences` WHERE `id` = '1872'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:450 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:119 DbUtils->getAllDataFromTable()
plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:108 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkPreferenceValue()
plugins/tasklists/inc/menu.class.php:55 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkDefaultType()
inc/html.class.php:1426 PluginTasklistsMenu::getMenuContent()
inc/html.class.php:6190 Html::generateMenuSession()
inc/html.class.php:1532 Html::displayMainMenu()
front/event.php:39 Html::header()
{"user":"1872@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.005\", 8.83Mio)"}
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# [2019-01-07 16:59:26] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# *** MySQL query error:
ugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.76Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 16:59:29] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:707 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:1005 CommonGLPI->showTabsContent()
front/ticket.form.php:216 CommonGLPI->display()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 9.10Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 16:59:30] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.77Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 16:59:32] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
{"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.77Mio)"}
[2019-01-07 16:59:38] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlItera-bash: cron.log: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
> Backtrace :
> inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
> inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
> inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
> plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
> ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
> {"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.76Mio)"}
> [2019-01-07 16:59:29] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
> *** MySQL query error:
> SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
> Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
-bash: Error:: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Backtrace :
-bash: Backtrace: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
-bash: inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:707 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:1005 CommonGLPI->showTabsContent()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# front/ticket.form.php:216 CommonGLPI->display()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# {"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 9.10Mio)"}[/em]
[em]-bash: user:1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# [2019-01-07 16:59:30] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# *** MySQL query error:[/em]
[em]-bash: cron.log: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
> Backtrace :
> inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
> inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
> inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
> plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
> ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
> {"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.77Mio)"}
> [2019-01-07 16:59:32] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
> *** MySQL query error:
> SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
> Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
-bash: Error:: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Backtrace :
-bash: Backtrace: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95[/em]
[em]-bash: inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# {"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.77Mio)"}[/em]
[em]-bash: user:1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# [2019-01-07 16:59:38] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# *** MySQL query error:
-bash: cron.log: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
> Backtrace :
> inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
> inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
> inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
> plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:707 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:1005 CommonGLPI->showTabsContent()
> front/ticket.form.php:216 CommonGLPI->display()
> {"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 9.10Mio)"}
> [2019-01-07 16:59:38] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
> *** MySQL query error:
> SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007141'
> Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
-bash: Error:: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Backtrace :
-bash: Backtrace: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
-bash: inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->exec
-bash: inc/dbmysql.class.php:580: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbutils
-bash: inc/dbutils: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.cla[/em]
[em]-bash: plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.cla: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# {"user":"1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.76Mio)"}
-bash: user:1937@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# [2019-01-07 17:00:08] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# *** MySQL query error:
-bash: cron.log: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007150'
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
> Backtrace :
> inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
> inc/dbmysql.class.php:580
> inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
> plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:707 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:1005 CommonGLPI->showTabsContent()
> front/ticket.form.php:216 CommonGLPI->display()
> {"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.002\", 9.19Mio)"}
> [2019-01-07 17:00:09] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
> *** MySQL query error:
> SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007150'
> Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
-bash: Error:: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Backtrace :
-bash: Backtrace: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
-bash: inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/co[/em]
[em]-bash: inc/co: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commong
-bash: inc/commong: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46
-bash: ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# {"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.85Mio)"}
-bash: user:1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# [2019-01-07 17:00:18] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# *** MySQL query error:[/em]
[em]-bash: cron.log: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007150'
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
> Backtrace :
> inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
> inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
> inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:17
> ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
> {"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 8.85Mio)"}
> [2019-01-07 17:01:14] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
> *** MySQL query error:
> SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets` WHERE `tickets_id` = '2018007150'
> Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
-bash: Error:: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Backtrace :
-bash: Backtrace: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
-bash: inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:707 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/commonglpi.class.php:1005 CommonGLPI->showTabsContent()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# front/ticket.form.php:216 CommonGLPI->display()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# {"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.001\", 9.19Mio)"}[/em]
[em]-bash: user:1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# [2019-01-
-bash: [2019-01-: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# *** MySQL q
-bash: cron.log: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_tickets' doesn't exist
> Backtr
> inc/dbmysql
> inc/dbmysql.class.php:580
> inc/dbutils.class.php:329 DBmysql->request()
> plugins/tasklists/inc/ticket.class.php:72 DbUtils->countElementsInTable()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:210 PluginTasklistsTicket->getTabNameForItem()
> inc/commonglpi.class.php:173 CommonGLPI->addStandardTab()
> ajax/updatecurrenttab.php:46 CommonGLPI->defineAllTabs()
> {"user":"1703@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","
> [2019-01-07 17:08:19] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
> *** MySQL query error:
> SQL: SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences` WHERE `id` = '1872'
> Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences' doesn't exist
-bash: Error:: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Backtrace :
-bash: Backtrace: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
-bash: inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95: No such file or directory
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/dbutils.class.php:450 DBmysql->request()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:119 DbUtils->getAllDataFromTable()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:108 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkPreferenceValue()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# plugins/tasklists/inc/menu.class.php:55 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkDefaultType()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/html.class.php:1426 PluginTasklistsMenu::getMenuContent()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/html.class.php:6190 Html::generateMenuSession()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# inc/html.class.php:1532 Html::displayMainMenu()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# front/ticket.php:40 Html::header()
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# {"user":"1872@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.006\", 8.73Mio)"}
-bash: user:1872@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# [2019-01-07 17:09:01] glpis
-bash: [2019-01-07: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# *** MySQL q
-bash: cron.log: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# SQL: SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_
> Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences' doesn't exist
> Backtrace :
> inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
> inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
> inc/dbutils.class.php:450
> plugins/tas
> plugins/tasklists/inc/preference
> plugins/tasklists/inc/menu.class.php:55 PluginTasklistsPrefere
> inc/html.class.php:1426 PluginTasklistsMenu::getMenuContent()
> inc/html.class.php:6190
> inc/html.class.php:1532 Html::displayMainMenu()
> front/dropdown.php:37 Html::header()
> {"user":"1872@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.006\", 8.73Mio)"}
> [2019-01-07 17:09:02] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /opt/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 177
> *** MySQL query error:
> SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `glpi_plugin_tasklists_taskstates`
> Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_taskstates' doesn't exist
> Backtrace :
> inc/dbmysql.class.php:438
> inc/commondbtm.class.php:546 DBmysql->list_fields()
> inc/commondbtm.class.php:2987 CommonDBTM->getEmpty()
> inc/dropdown.class.php:1136 CommonDBTM->isEntityAssign()
> front/dropdown.php:44 Dropdown::showItemTypeList()
> {"user":"1872@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.157\", 28.51Mio)"}
> [2019-01-07 17:09:25] glpisqllog.E
> *** MySQL q
> SQL: SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_
-bash: glpi_plugin_: command not found
-bash: command substitution: line 2: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
-bash: command substitution: line 18: syntax error: unexpected end of file
-bash: command substitution: line 2: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
-bash: command substitution: line 13: syntax error: unexpected end of file
-bash: SQL:: command not found
[root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]# Error: Table 'glpi.glpi_plugin_tasklists_preferences' doesn't exist
> Backtrace :
> inc/dbmysqliterator.class.php:95
> inc/dbmysql.class.php:580 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
> inc/dbutils.class.php:450 DBmysql->request()
> plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:119 DbUtils->getAllDataFromTable()
> plugins/tasklists/inc/preference.class.php:108 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkPreferenceValue()
> plugins/tasklists/inc/menu.class.php:55 PluginTasklistsPreference::checkDefaultType()
> inc/html.class.php:1426 PluginTasklistsMenu::getMenuContent()
> inc/html.class.php:6190 Html::generateMenuSession()
> inc/html
> front/event
> {"user":"1872@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxxxx.xx","mem_usage":"0.005\", 8.83Mio)"}
> [root@srv-glpi-ocs-01 _log]#[/em]
Et la liste des colonnes:
Date d'ouverture
Demandeur - Demandeur
Attribué à - Technicien
Attribué à - Groupe de techniciens
Dernière modification
Suivis - Nombre de suivis
Temps de résolution + Progression
Merci pour votre aide
petite précision, je ne sais pas si c'est la requête qui prends du temps...
J'ai activé l'option "slow queries" dans MariaDB et rien n'apparaît dans le log du même nom...
Désactivez le plugin Tasklist, c'est lui qui génère les erreurs.
CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6 - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version
Effectivement, en désactivant ce plugin Tasklist, l'erreur n'est plus logguée.
Ce qui n'améliore en rien le temps d'affichage de la page des tickets, toujours aussi lent.
J'ai aussi tenté de désactiver le plugin BrowserNotification qui loggue quantité d'infos dans le log php-errors.log:
2019-01-08 17:53:33 [1203@srv-glpi-ocs-01.xxxx.xx]
Backtrace :
inc/toolbox.class.php:562 Toolbox::backtrace()
inc/db.function.php:485 Toolbox::deprecated()
plugins/formcreator/inc/form.class.php:1571 TableExists()
plugins/formcreator/setup.php:122 PluginFormcreatorForm::countAvailableForm()
inc/plugin.class.php:144 plugin_init_formcreator()
inc/includes.php:115 Plugin::load()
plugins/browsernotification/ajax/check.php:3 include()
mais ça n'améliore en rien non plus la rapidité d'affichage de la pages des tickets.
Question: ne disposant pas du modèle entités-relations de la base de données et ne connaissant pas très bien l'application, auriez-vous une idée de quelles colonnes désactiver en priorité dans la page des tickets, pour minimiser la quantité de données récupérées lors de l'affichage de la page ? (autrement dit, pour alléger la query correspondante à l'affichage de cette page)
Où pourrais-je trouver ce genre d'infos ?
Et sinon, sachant que le query cache est déjà activé, quelles seraient les optimisations à apporter à la BD pour supporter ce genre de query, sans mettre à chaque fois les CPU's par terre... ?
si vous passez en mode debug, en cliquant sur la coccinelle rouge en bas à droite, vous devez avoir dans l'interface GLPI ( onglet sql request) la liste des requêtes et les durées.
vous verrez si la lenteur vient de la base de donnée et les requetes lentes.
364 Queries took 0.067s
N°|Queries |Time|errors
1|SELECT `id`FROM `glpi_plugins` WHERE `glpi_plugins`.`directory` = 'datainjection'|0.001 |
2|SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugins` WHERE `glpi_plugins`.`id` = '36' LIMIT 10.000 | etc....
Trouver la panne avant de réparer...
GLPI10.0.16 (ubuntu 22.04 PHP8.1 Mariadb10.6 ) plugins : comportements 2.7.3 reports 1.16.0 formcreator 2.13.9, datainjection 2.13.5 fields 1.21.9
Merci LaDenrée :-)
Grâce à vous, j'ai ENFIN capté comment voir les queries... :-(
Je n'avais tout simplement pas cliqué sur 2ème bouton DEBUG, en bas de la page...
Il y a un tel nombre de requêtes exécutées que cela devient difficile à debugger.
Total de requêtes sur la page concernée: https://glpi.xxxxx.xx/front/ticket.php#
==> 159714 Queries
La requête qui semble tourner en boucle est celle-ci:
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-09' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-09' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 109 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 109 ) )
Cette requête démarre sur le critère de DATE en janvier 2019 pour s'arrêter ... en 2027, en ré-exécutant la même requête pour chaque jour de chaque mois, de chaque année ..!
(soit-dit en passant, ce pourrait être un début d'explication quant à l'inefficacité du query cache activé, du côté de la BD...)
Est-il normal que cette requête tourne ainsi ?
Le temps d'exécution de cette requête est pour chaque fois indiqué comme insignifiant voire null: 0.000
Mais bon, vu le nombre de lancements de cette requête, celà fini par faire bcp d'activités au niveau de l'OS, non ?
En tout cas, le CPU tombe à plat à chaque lancement de cette page...
J'ai demandé au responsable de l'application de modifier les critères de dates dans la table concernée pour que seule l'année 2019 soit prise en compte.
Ensuite, reboot du serveur pour vider les caches, pas d'amélioration sensible constatée.
Concernant le mode DEBUG, est-il possible de vider l'historique des Query effectuées sur la BD ?
Cela devient difficile d'utiliser le mode DEBUG, 1 fois sur 2, vu l'historique des query lancées sur la page concernée, le navigateur plante...
Encore grand merci pour votre aide !
Ci-dessous, un petit échantillon de la requête incriminée:
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-09' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-09' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 109 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 109 ) ) 0.000
196 SELECT TIMEDIFF(LEAST('11:51:36',`end`), GREATEST(`begin`,'10:46:40')) AS TDIFF
FROM `glpi_calendarsegments`
WHERE `calendars_id` = '1' AND `day` = '3' AND (`begin` < '11:51:36') AND ('10:46:40' < `end`) 0.000
197 SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-09' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-09' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 109 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 109 ) ) 0.000
198 SELECT TIMEDIFF(LEAST('23:59:59',`end`), GREATEST(`begin`,'10:46:40')) AS TDIFF
FROM `glpi_calendarsegments`
WHERE `calendars_id` = '1' AND `day` = '3' AND (`begin` < '23:59:59') AND ('10:46:40' < `end`) 0.000
199 SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-10' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-10' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 110 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 110 ) ) 0.000
200 SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-11' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-11' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 111 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 111 ) ) 0.000
201 SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-12' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-12' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 112 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 112 ) ) 0.000
202 SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-13' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-13' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 113 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 113 ) ) 0.000
203 SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-14' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-14' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 114 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 114 ) ) 0.000
204 SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-15' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-15' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 115 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 115 ) ) 0.000
205 SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2019-01-16' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2019-01-16' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 116 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 116 ) ) 0.000
encore moi...
pour rappel, la liste des colonnes affichées dans la page :
Date d'ouverture
Demandeur - Demandeur
Attribué à - Technicien
Attribué à - Groupe de techniciens
Dernière modification
Suivis - Nombre de suivis
Temps de résolution + Progression
temps d'affichage dans le navigateur: ~ 51 secondes ! (pour 221 tickets non clos)
paramétrage de la vue affichée dans le navigateur: (Affichage nombre d'éléments): 100
Filtrage effectué sur la colonne Status: Status = "Non résolu"
Tickets actuellement en status "Non résolu" : 221
(en gras, l'état des processeurs et de la run queue durant la query)
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
1 0 0 2357808 102300 701116 0 0 0 0 591 728 3 1 96 0 0
0 0 0 2357980 102304 701132 0 0 0 126 701 842 3 2 95 0 0
0 0 0 2358604 102336 701168 0 0 0 316 3061 4740 16 5 79 0 0
0 0 0 2359204 102364 701212 0 0 0 45 745 944 4 1 94 0 0
0 0 0 2358212 102372 701232 0 0 0 28 761 943 4 1 94 0 0
0 0 0 2357964 102380 701252 0 0 0 28 599 732 3 1 96 0 0
0 0 0 2358056 102380 701276 0 0 0 0 749 917 5 2 94 0 0
1 0 0 2357096 102384 701292 0 0 0 34 2895 4144 15 4 81 0 0
1 0 0 2356476 102388 701312 0 0 0 29 8436 13933 46 10 44 0 0
1 0 0 2356352 102396 701332 0 0 0 41 8829 14550 44 11 45 0 0
2 0 0 2355236 102404 701348 0 0 0 29 5040 13433 67 14 19 0 0
2 0 0 2355112 102404 701364 0 0 0 202 2069 13407 84 16 0 0 0
2 0 0 2354484 102412 701380 0 0 0 26 2056 13586 84 16 0 0 0
2 0 0 2353608 102412 701408 0 0 0 30 2071 13156 84 16 0 0 0
2 0 0 2353608 102416 701428 0 0 0 30 2060 13205 84 16 0 0 0
2 0 0 2352864 102424 701440 0 0 0 32 2027 12289 84 16 0 0 0
2 0 0 2352304 102424 701460 0 0 0 0 2062 12190 84 16 0 0 0
2 0 0 2352180 102432 701468 0 0 0 29 2049 12386 84 16 0 0 0
2 0 0 2352056 102440 701484 0 0 0 32 2079 12019 84 16 0 0 0
1 0 0 2355140 102444 701472 0 0 0 202 3840 12986 72 15 12 0 0
1 0 0 2354380 102456 701532 0 0 0 51 7216 12547 51 11 38 0 0
1 0 0 2354380 102456 701560 0 0 0 0 7917 13048 46 10 44 0 0
0 0 0 2356480 102468 701628 0 0 0 31 4607 8102 38 9 53 0 0
0 0 0 2356652 102476 701604 0 0 0 60 1050 1028 20 2 78 0 0
0 0 0 2356900 102484 701636 0 0 0 58 1379 1670 12 4 84 0 0
0 0 0 2357016 102488 701696 0 0 0 58 1567 1859 14 4 82 0 0
0 0 0 2357012 102488 701708 0 0 0 0 520 625 3 1 96 0 0
0 0 0 2357388 102488 701724 0 0 0 51 613 742 4 1 95 0 0
0 0 0 2356884 102496 701760 0 0 0 193 1003 1167 7 2 90 0 0
0 0 0 2357492 102504 701704 0 0 0 27 836 1040 5 2 93 0 0
0 0 0 2357796 102504 701728 0 0 0 0 595 725 4 1 96 0 0
Si je fais ma recherche sur le status = "Tous" (tous les tickets)
l'affichage est quasi instantané, tout au plus quelques secondes, pour un total de 34452 tickets.
Il s'agit donc probablement d'une requête mal optimisée, mais je n'arrive pas à mettre la main dessus, car si je mets en mode DEBUG, tous les utilisateurs sont impactés par les lenteurs et l'affichage des requêtes exécutées dans le mode DEBUG fait planter le navigateur quand environ 160'000 requêtes ont été affichées dans la fenêtre de DEBUG.
(+ de 16'000 requêtes effectuées sur une même page, je ne comprends pas...)
je réitère donc ma question: quelqu'un saurait comment purger l'historique du mode DEBUG ?
1. désactivation du query_cache au niveau de la BD (ce mode n'apporte rien sur une requête paramétrée...)
2. J'ai demandé au "power user" GLPI de modifier la table suivante pour que ça colle à l'année en cours:
MariaDB [glpi]> select * from glpi_holidays;
| date_creation | date_mod | id | name | entities_id | is_recursive | comment | begin_date | end_date | is_perpetual |
| 2017-05-08 08:44:59 | 2019-01-09 11:26:04 | 1 | Ascension | 0 | 0 | | 2019-05-30 | 2019-05-30 | 0 |
| 2017-05-08 08:45:30 | 2019-01-09 11:26:25 | 2 | Lundi de Pentecôte | 0 | 0 | | 2019-06-10 | 2019-06-10 | 0 |
| 2017-05-08 08:46:21 | 2019-01-09 15:20:13 | 3 | Fête nationale Suisse | 0 | 0 | | 2019-08-01 | 2019-08-01 | 0 |
| 2017-05-08 08:47:00 | 2019-01-09 11:26:55 | 4 | Lundi du Jeune Federal | 0 | 0 | | 2019-09-16 | 2019-09-16 | 0 |
| 2017-05-08 08:47:47 | 2019-01-09 15:20:19 | 5 | Noël | 0 | 0 | | 2019-12-25 | 2019-12-25 | 0 |
| 2017-05-08 08:48:58 | 2019-01-09 15:20:30 | 6 | Nouvel an | 0 | 0 | | 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-01 | 0 |
| 2019-01-09 11:25:37 | 2019-01-09 15:10:42 | 7 | Pâques | 0 | 0 | | 2019-01-19 | 2019-01-22 | 0 |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [glpi]>
FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays`
INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`)
WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (('2024-10-29' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2024-10-29' >= `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date`) OR (`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = 1 AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 1029 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 1029 ) )
Je ne vois pas d'où vient le paramètre '2024-10-29' <= `glpi_holidays`.`end_date` AND '2024-10-29' ...
Faut-il modifier cette date "2024..." quelque part dans le programme, ou dans une table de la BD ?
Il me semble que c'est cette requête qui ralenti l'affichage de la page, car si j'applique un autre filtre (tous les tickets, comme ci-dessus) l'affichage est presque immédiat.
Je sèche, je sèche...
Alors si quelqu'un a une idée, ce serait bienvenu.
Merci d'avance
une précision supplémentaire:
lorsque j'exécute la requête qui pose problème, la commande "top" indique clairement que c'est la BD qui prend le plus de CPU, suivi par Apache:
top - 16:38:28 up 4:49, 2 users, load average: 1.06, 0.72, 0.79
Tasks: 116 total, 1 running, 115 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 42.5 us, 6.6 sy, 0.0 ni, 46.9 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 4.1 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem : 3872568 total, 2266572 free, 775644 used, 830352 buff/cache
KiB Swap: 4064252 total, 4064252 free, 0 used. 2787404 avail Mem
3479 mysql 20 0 1793952 321604 14228 S 82.7 8.3 70:17.85 mysqld
3564 apache 20 0 694640 55144 32992 S 29.3 1.4 1:09.67 httpd
3885 apache 20 0 704596 66868 34572 S 1.0 1.7 1:42.51 httpd
Concernant le mode Debug, les requêtes sont générées à la volée donc rien n'est stocké. Ce que vous voyez correspond à toutes les requêtes exécutées sur la page où vous vous trouvez.
Concernant la requete qui pose problème, elle permet de savoir si un jour est férié et cette fonction est utilisée pour définir un temps.
Je dirais donc que votre problème vient de l'affichage de la colonne Temps de résolution+progression.
Petite remarque concernant les jours fériés : si celui-ci est invariable chaque année (comme le 1er janvier, le 1er mai...) il faut mettre Perpétuel à Oui. De cette manière, GLPI ne tient pas compte de l'année. Cela vous évite de resaisir chaque année les même jours fériés
CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6 - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version
bonjour yllen,
... et merci pour votre suggestion !
C'est effectivement la colonne "Temps de résolution+progression" qui pose problème.
Dès que j'enlève cette colonne, l'affichage est quasiment immédiat ! :-)
Y aurait-il un bug connu sur l'affichage de cette colonne ?
En tout cas je n'ai rien trouvé à ce sujet sur les forums.
Notre base de données GLPI contient un total d'environ 34'000 tickets sur un laps de temps allant de 2011 à aujourd’hui.
Connaissant bien Oracle, cela ne me semble pas gigantesque comme volume de données... Mais j'en suis moins sûr pour Mysql...
Qu'en pensez-vous ? Faudrait-il archiver puis purger les années "inutiles" de la BD ?
Cette question parce que notre machine de DEV est en mêmes versions (OS, Apache, BD et GLPI) que la PROD. Avec les mêmes champs affichés dans la page des ticket et cette page, en DEV s'affiche très rapidement, alors que la machine de DEV dispose de moins de ressources CPU et RAM...
Seule différence au niveau bd, sur la DEV, elle est plus petite (28'000 tickets pour la DEV contre 34'000 pour la PROD)
Mais j'imagine mal que cela puisse faire une telle différence...
Ceci dit, en parallèle:
- j'ai lancé un mysqlcheck sur toute la base, pas d'amélioration constatée.
- j'ai copié la BD de PROD sur la machine de DEV et maintenant, la DEV est devenue aussi lente que la PROD...
- Actuellement, nous purgeons les années les plus anciennes sur la DEV afin de voir si celà fait une différence.
Auriez-vous d'autres suggestions ?
Merci encore pour votre aide
sur ma base de tests en 9.3.3 :
J'ai une base avec 50 000 tickets-3 entités ( mais rien dans la racine et une entité a 90% des tickets) l'utilisation des sla est récente donc environ 5000 tickets avec sla
500 tickets non résolus .
je n'ai pas de rallentissement avec la colonne temp+progression.
j'ai peu de périodes de fermeture dans mon calendrier .
Trouver la panne avant de réparer...
GLPI10.0.16 (ubuntu 22.04 PHP8.1 Mariadb10.6 ) plugins : comportements 2.7.3 reports 1.16.0 formcreator 2.13.9, datainjection 2.13.5 fields 1.21.9
merci pour ces précisions !
dans notre installation, rien à la racine non plus mais nous n'avons qu'une entité, donc le 100% des tickets dans l'unique entité existante.
Nombre total de tickets: 34'539
Nombre total de tickets non résolus: 243
tickets avec SLA: 8'457
Nombre d'entités: 1
(fournies par notre responsable d'application GLPI)
Nom Type Durée maximale Calendrier
Prise en charge T:incident P:Haute Temps de prise en charge 30 minutes Default
Prise en charge T:incident P:Moyenne Temps de prise en charge 60 minutes Default
Prise en charge T:incident P:Basse Temps de prise en charge 90 minutes Default
Prise en charge T:incident P:Critique Temps de prise en charge 15 minutes Default
Prise en charge T:demande P:Basse Temps de prise en charge 90 minutes Default
Prise en charge T:demande P:Moyenne Temps de prise en charge 60 minutes Default
Prise en charge T:demande P:Haute Temps de prise en charge 30 minutes Default
Prise en charge T:demande P:Critique Temps de prise en charge 30 minutes Default
Résolution T:incident P:Critique Temps de résolution 6 heures Default
Résolution T:incident P:Haute Temps de résolution 10 heures Default
Résolution T:incident P:Moyenne Temps de résolution 23 heures Default
Résolution T:incident P:Basse Temps de résolution 34 heures Default
Résolution T:demande P:Critique Temps de résolution 6 heures Default
Résolution T:demande P:Haute Temps de résolution 10 heures Default
Résolution T:demande P:Moyenne Temps de résolution 16 heures Default
Résolution T:demande P:Basse Temps de résolution 40 heures Default
Merci pour vos commentaires et bon week-end !
Last edited by lascar (2019-01-11 17:37:46)
Personne d'autre que moi n'aurait donc expérimenté de lenteurs concernant l'affichage de cette vue: "temp+progression" dans la page des tickets ?
bonne journée
Hi, actually I'm having the same problem, my ticket.php front page doesn't show it, and have the same problem with this loop query:
glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /var/www/html/g952/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 306
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_calendars_holidays` INNER JOIN `glpi_holidays` ON (`glpi_calendars_holidays`.`holidays_id` = `glpi_holidays`.`id`) WHERE `glpi_calendars_holidays`.`calendars_id` = '1' AND (((`glpi_holidays`.`end_date` >= '1545-03-30' AND `glpi_holidays`.`begin_date` <= '1545-03-30')) OR ((`glpi_holidays`.`is_perpetual` = '1' AND MONTH(`end_date`)*100 + DAY(`end_date`) >= 330 AND MONTH(`begin_date`)*100 + DAY(`begin_date`) <= 330)))
Error: MySQL server has gone away
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:857 DBmysqlIterator->execute()
inc/calendar.class.php:276 DBmysql->request()
inc/calendar.class.php:328 Calendar->isHoliday()
inc/search.class.php:5882 Calendar->getActiveTimeBetween()
inc/search.class.php:1457 Search::giveItem()
inc/search.class.php:320 Search::constructData()
inc/search.class.php:95 Search::getDatas()
inc/search.class.php:80 Search::showList()
front/ticket.php:50 Search::show()
{"user":"7@sg01ilinv3sipe","mem_usage":"0.000\", 444.86Mio)"}
I update from 9.4.6 to 9.5.2 trying to fix it, but the problem persist. Do you resolve this?