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These are the parameters I use in my requests:
Parameters {
comment = "test validation";
satisfaction = 2;
session = x;
ticket = 43;
} for glpi.setTicketSatisfaction
This is the response I get:
error Not found (satisfaction)
GLPI version
WebservicePluginversion ?
is ticket #43 closed and waiting for satisfaction ?
can the user corresponding to sessionid="x" answer to satisfaction on this ticket (without webservices) ?
Trouver la panne avant de réparer...
GLPI10.0.16 (ubuntu 22.04 PHP8.1 Mariadb10.6 ) plugins : comportements 2.7.3 reports 1.16.0 formcreator 2.13.9, datainjection 2.13.5 fields 1.21.9
You have this message if you don't have right to read the ticket 43
CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6 - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version
GLPI version : 0.84.8
Webservice version : 1.4.3
Ticket is closed, but what do you mean "waiting for satisfaction". Is there something else that needs to be set, to add satisfaction?
The user corresponding to the sessionid is the same user who made the ticket
in GLPI, on the ticket view can you see the satisfaction tab ? (betwenn solution and statistics).
Trouver la panne avant de réparer...
GLPI10.0.16 (ubuntu 22.04 PHP8.1 Mariadb10.6 ) plugins : comportements 2.7.3 reports 1.16.0 formcreator 2.13.9, datainjection 2.13.5 fields 1.21.9
No, I can't. What to do in order to see that tab?
first step : get the satisfaction tab.
second step : use webservices.
youy have to set your entities :
administration>entities>[select Root entity or what you want]>Assistance TAB>
-configuring the satisfaction survey="Internal"
-create survey after 0 day
-rate to trigger survey : 100%
(if it works so, then choose your own values)
close a ticket and watch if you can see internalsurvey tab
Trouver la panne avant de réparer...
GLPI10.0.16 (ubuntu 22.04 PHP8.1 Mariadb10.6 ) plugins : comportements 2.7.3 reports 1.16.0 formcreator 2.13.9, datainjection 2.13.5 fields 1.21.9
Satisfaction works now. Thank you
then you can try webservices.
it should now work with your parameters.
Trouver la panne avant de réparer...
GLPI10.0.16 (ubuntu 22.04 PHP8.1 Mariadb10.6 ) plugins : comportements 2.7.3 reports 1.16.0 formcreator 2.13.9, datainjection 2.13.5 fields 1.21.9
Already did, it works just fine
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