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hello , sorry for my writing in English .
Currently we GLPI 0.84.2 installed on a Debian server 5.5.35-0 + wheezy1
For some time and after that we do the upgrade from version 0.83.6 to 0.84.2 , we have had bugs with an SLA ( Service Level Agreement ), specifically in the setting of levels for each SLA Escalation ( Service Level Agreement ) . The bug is that each time the user logs an incident or request case the system is automatically configured to assign a technician determined and / or supervisor by category for the SLA ( Service Level Agreement ) selected. The system for allocating 499 times a technician and supervisor respectively.
Additionally, if the module configuration levels within the SLA ( Service Level Agreement ) is revised appears at the bottom with a warning symbol '! ' LOST .
What can it be? Any solution other than that you run the delete query for additional allocations for 498 supervisors and / or technicians assigned in the software GLPI respect for each case .
Specified above is the show in this Word document that can be downloaded at the following link: … %20SLA.png
Have to try to update to the last 0.84 version ?
Really strange because ticket user link have a unicity constraint
MoYo - Julien Dombre - Association INDEPNET
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