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Guys, first of all thanks for your great software! As soon as I'm done with university (this semester) I'll try to contribute with code too
I'm here to suggest/ask that the user who opened the ticket should be the one who closes it. The idea would be like this:
New (client creates)
Processing (I work on it)
Processed (I say it's done)
Closed (client says: "yes, it really works!") or Unsolved (clients says: "nope, needs more work").
Or, a client should be able to Reopen a ticket that's already closed (for when I close and it wasn't really working).
This problem just happened to me. I thought the problem was solved, I closed the ticket, but now the client says it is not ok. She had to e-mail me to say that, because she was not able to reopen the ticket (change back from Closed to Processing - Assigned). And once it was reopened she would be able to add the follow-up with more details.
Best regards,
Eduardo Bacchi Kienetz
Santa Maria - RS - Brazil
Hi to All,
I need the same functionality.
Any suggestions from our admins?
Last edited by jmoreno (2009-04-13 20:16:55)
add another vote for users being able to reopen their tickets.
This is being looked into per Remi:
GLPI .72
Current plugins - massocsimport
CentOS 5.3
Pages: 1