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Hello @ll!
Next thing that i want to ask is business rules for tickets.
EXAMPLE: I have "user" which is assign to group for ex "callers". User have the post-only profile (from default configuration). I made a rule, wich says "if Requested group is callers then Assigned to group (name of the group)" and... it doesn't work. Why, maybe I'm doing something wrong?
When it works: when "user" have a admin profile (from default config), when he use option Assistance -> Helpdesk and when he select his group and write new ticket. Why assignemt to group isn't default value, when user write a ticket?
What is the main function of group? Is it only to exchange information?
Last edited by pmd (2009-02-25 20:45:16)
Because defaut group is the group of the equipment (which is unique) not one of the groups of the user.
Dév. Fedora 29 - PHP 5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4 - MariaDB 10.3 - GLPI master
Certifié ITILv3 - RPM pour Fedora, RHEL et CentOS sur
Can you explain more? Where I can look for this?
(Sorry, I'm new in GLPI)
A person can be a member of multiple groups, so glpi does not automatically assign one during ticket creation.
GLPI .72
Current plugins - massocsimport
CentOS 5.3
Pages: 1