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#1 2022-06-20 10:20:32

Registered: 2022-06-07
Posts: 4

Oauth imap, cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist

Hello everyone,
Can someone help me, I have an issue with my mail collector, I'm using the Oauth-imap plugin.
My provider is AZURE AD
The authentication process is working but when I hit the 'Retrieve emails' button of my collector, I get the error message below

An error occured trying to connect to collector. cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist


I followed the plugin documentation:
- create an application on AZURE AD and get credentials (application ID, Client Secret, an Directory (tenant) ID)
- download and install the plugin
- configure the plugin with the credentials from AZURE AD
- create an authorization with the collector email

My GLPI version: 9.5.7
the oauth-imap version: 1.3

My php log:

[2022-06-20 10:03:37] glpiphplog.ERROR: MailCollector::collect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi\inc\mailcollector.class.php line 689
An error occured trying to connect to collector. cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist 
 #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi\plugins\oauthimap\inc\imap\imapoauthstorage.class.php(77): Laminas\Mail\Storage\Imap->selectFolder('INBOX')
#1 C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi\plugins\oauthimap\inc\mailcollectorfeature.class.php(99): GlpiPlugin\Oauthimap\Imap\ImapOauthStorage->__construct(Object(stdClass))
#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi\inc\toolbox.class.php(2346): GlpiPlugin\Oauthimap\MailCollectorFeature::GlpiPlugin\Oauthimap\{closure}(Array)
#3 C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi\inc\mailcollector.class.php(1342): Toolbox::getMailServerStorageInstance('imap-oauth-1', Array)
#4 C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi\inc\mailcollector.class.php(683): MailCollector->connect()
#5 C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi\front\mailcollector.form.php(88): MailCollector->collect('1', 1)
#6 {main}  {"user":"2@BCMDLAAPP007VM"} 

Last edited by foulla (2022-06-20 10:48:13)


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