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I've been looking the main tables and I see that in Computers you can add different Models.
You can have:
Copmuter type: Server, Portable, Docking...
Model: Optiplex GX280, Etc...
But if you want to do the same with the other kind of Items (Printers, Monitors, Network, Peripherals..)
you are not able becaus this field is not in the tables.
Let's say you have printer type: Laser, Termical, Color, and so on...
But if you then want to group by model: LASERJET 5M, DESKJET..., Is not possible.
That could be great because you only have one category (the Type field) on this items.
Are you planning to do so?
Thanks a lot,
It's already done in the cvs version so it will be avaible in the glpi 0.65
JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
Apportez votre pierre au projet GLPI : Soutenir
that's going to be great.
Im running GLPI 0.6 - 0.090s,
I'll give it a try.
Is there a lot of changes to actual CVS's?
Thanks a lot,
oh yes, a lot
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