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#1 2009-03-18 10:52:21

Registered: 2009-03-18
Posts: 12

Compte plugin + 0.72RC1 + OpenSolaris == crash

Hello from Japan,

I am evaluating GLPI as a new user. Looks cool, merci!

I use 0.72RC1, because I need the license-tracking added in 0.72.

I also need the "compte" plugin to keep track of account (VPN, mail server, file server, etc.) in the same database as our PC inventory. But, I had trouble making it work. If this is a bug, I will report it, or maybe it is a problem with my server setup.

I downloaded latest tarball of plugin_compte. However, it crashes for me when I try to add any account. (Crash means the resulting HTML page in browser is blank. No data. I think PHP is getting an error and evaluation of script stops, but I cannot find any error message. Nothing appears in PHP error file or apache log.)

I run GLPI on OpenSolaris 2008.11, with Apache 2.2, and PHP5.26, and MySQL 5.

I created this server (in VMWare, for testing) with a fresh install of OpenSolaris, with latest updates. The only thing I installed is GLPI.

GLPI by itself works, but this plugin does not work. I first thought it is just a bug, maybe plugin_compte not yet updated for latest RC version of GLPI. But then, I could mostly fix the problem by adding some import statements and replacing one method. So, I think it may be that my PHP installation has something wrong, where it cannot find some normal resources. And maybe OpenSolaris doesn't have a needed library.

I had to do two things to make it work:

1.) I had to add the following lines to the top of plugin_compte.form.php :

include_once ("../inc/plugin_compte.functions_mailing.php");
include_once ("../inc/plugin_compte.mailing.classes.php");
include_once ("../inc/plugin_compte.profiles_classes.php");

Otherwise, the PHP script would crash when it encountered the function call plugin_compte_generatemail($newID) near the top of the file. It seemed like it was trying to create an object in that function that it did not include the source code for.

2) I had to replace the method plugin_compte_crypte($Texte,$action) in the file plugin_compte.functions_display.php .

This seems to want to call some functions from something called "mcrypt" which I guess is a library I don't have. (?)

I replaced this method with this:

function plugin_compte_crypte($Texte,$action)
    return $Texte;

Haha! That is stupid, because now the passwords are stored in plaintext in my database (although still not in the web UI unless you press Decrypt). But, that fixes the problem on my system


Now everything seems to work, and I can continue my testing. But, are either of these things bugs? Or just problems with my local system I am using to run GLPI? Maybe OpenSolaris is not supported?

Thanks for all your work, and any insight you can provide. I do some C programming, but don't really know much about PHP.



#2 2009-03-18 20:00:30

From: Rennes
Registered: 2005-08-26
Posts: 11,632

Re: Compte plugin + 0.72RC1 + OpenSolaris == crash

1/ i will check it

2/ you must have php_mcrypt to be activated

Xavier Caillaud
Blog GLPI Infotel


#3 2009-03-18 20:52:57

From: Rennes
Registered: 2005-08-26
Posts: 11,632

Re: Compte plugin + 0.72RC1 + OpenSolaris == crash

Xavier Caillaud
Blog GLPI Infotel


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