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i want to use glpi to have more freedom of creating an Inventory report as i have with OCS Inventory. So ive imported everything and adding items to show for the report works fine. I am in need of having a list with Computer Names, location (the TAG Value form OCS) and Mac Adresses.
The only blemish i found is that the MAC Adress is showed 2 times. For example:
Is it possible to only see this 1 time per computer or network card ? I dont need the hardware or port pre- , i dont know how to call is in english, thing.
Hopefully you unterstand my english, german is my first language . If their are any questions please ask me.
maybe we need to split these informations.
MoYo - Julien Dombre - Association INDEPNET
Contribute to GLPI : Support Contribute References Freshmeat
Isnt their a way to change this information quickly ? It works as it is but the information per computer is 2 rows instead of one and i cant find a use of having the hardware MAC and Port MAC which should be identical in 99.99% of the time.
I dont know much about html and php otherwise i would try to find the source
You need to modify the source code in search.function.php
MoYo - Julien Dombre - Association INDEPNET
Contribute to GLPI : Support Contribute References Freshmeat
thanks for the hint. I just deleted the "port=" for loop and edited the other one so that only the Adress itself stands in that line. I dont know what all that stuff inside the loop does but at the moment it is working and i made a copy before "editing" it.
Its only bad if the Comp has 2 network cards like wireless and wired but i can live with that.
Have a nice day and thanks again
you can delete the hw one it will manage computers which have several cards
MoYo - Julien Dombre - Association INDEPNET
Contribute to GLPI : Support Contribute References Freshmeat
I create a ticket to improve it :
MoYo - Julien Dombre - Association INDEPNET
Contribute to GLPI : Support Contribute References Freshmeat