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Pages: 1
Hi all.
I've a question.
My GLPI is configured to connect to my LDAP server (Win 2003).
My organization is divided in three physical site (Italy, France, Spain for example)
The LDAP field that identify the physical position of the user is 'company'
When a new user login in GLPI,
the fields as phone, e-mail etc. are automatically get from LDAP.
How to configure GLPI to get the value of the field 'company' (from LDAP) and set this value in the field 'GROUP' in the GLPI database ?
I try in other words because my english is orrible (sorry)
In Central-->Assistance-->Tracking I would the the field Group is populated (automatically) with a particular field get from LDAP.
Does someone help me ?
thank's for the time spent.
Ciao a tutti .
Pages: 1