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#1 2025-03-20 17:25:12

From: Wisconsin
Registered: 2025-03-12
Posts: 6

Default ticket template not applying to emailed tickets

Hello Team

GLPI 10.0.17 - Running into 2 issues currently that I cannot find the answers to

I have created a new ticket template with some requited fields as well per-defined fields specifically 2 SLAs for TTO and TTR.

I have gone into Administration > profiles > selected each profile and updated the default ticket template to all 7 profiles.

I have found that the new default profile appears to only function to tickets created from the online web interface/portal. Any tickets emailed in to the help-desk caught by the mail receiver will be brought into the tickets board but the template does not apply; I do not see the per-defined field or either SLA being applied.

I'm not finding any reason why this would be.

As well I am finding that tickets created by the web interface are automatically assigned to the user that created the ticket, and SLA not working correctly. Searching around the forum here points in many different directions and some outdated versions where the options are no longer in menus that exist.

Seems like a business rule needs to be created to stop this behavior? Ultimately would like no one assigned to a ticket created in the email portal so technicians can see new incoming tickets correctly.

Thank you all!



#2 2025-03-20 23:43:09

From: Germany
Registered: 2025-03-19
Posts: 4

Re: Default ticket template not applying to emailed tickets


you can change the default template in the entities settings (Administration > Entities > your entity > tab "Assistance").

Not sure what to do about the SLA issue, I'll try to configure it in our lab. Is the ticket assigned to the creator regardless of the profile the user has assigned?
Could this have something to do with the personalization settings "Pre-select me as a technician when creating a ticket"? There's also a default setting for this in Setup > General > tab "Default values".

Last edited by dillhappen (2025-03-20 23:59:39)


#3 2025-03-24 19:51:36

From: Wisconsin
Registered: 2025-03-12
Posts: 6

Re: Default ticket template not applying to emailed tickets

Hey Dill,

Wow, the Assistance template did it for me thank you! I'm really having a hard time navigating the published documentation on GLPI, from either here glpi-project DOT org/documentation/ or here faq.teclib DOT com/03_knowledgebase/General/Calendar/, just seems like a lot missing, or I'm completely missing parts of these 2 sites.

The ticket assignment, I found out was only applying with the built-in accounts, but I did find the Default Value that drives this behavior Under Default values "Pre-select me as Technician when Creating Ticket" was the trick there.

The current hurdle is the TTO and TTR not applying tickets emailed in. I wonder if these are set in other settings, the more I explore the Default Ticket Template seems to only affect tickets submitted directly in the web portal, though I could be wrong.

Thank you again thus far.


#4 2025-03-24 20:10:08

From: Wisconsin
Registered: 2025-03-12
Posts: 6

Re: Default ticket template not applying to emailed tickets

AH quick update, played around with some Business Rules for Tickets Created some criteria for Status IS New   and Mails Receiver IS *mailreceiver* and applied action of SLA Time to Resolve and seems to be working.

Is this the correct way to achieve this result, to create a Business Rule for tickets emailed in?



#5 2025-03-24 23:06:41

From: Germany
Registered: 2025-03-19
Posts: 4

Re: Default ticket template not applying to emailed tickets

Hey Kevin,

I'm with you on the lacking documentation, but I've seen worse big_smile

As far as I can tell, there are multiple ways to set the SLA. Either through business rules or the predefined fields of a ticket template. I'm not sure sure what the best or correct way to assign a SLA is, since we are not using SLAs yet. I guess it really depends on how you use it and what the criteria for applying the SLA is. If you apply the same SLA to all tickets it migh be easier to set in the template and use them in combination with the ITIL categories, there might be no need for rules. You could also use business rules to apply different SLAs depending on the sender of the mail or other criteria.
In the end you are extremely flexible using ticket templates, ITIL categories and business rules, since you can mix and match any way you want.

Last edited by dillhappen (2025-03-24 23:08:35)


#6 2025-03-24 23:53:38

From: Wisconsin
Registered: 2025-03-12
Posts: 6

Re: Default ticket template not applying to emailed tickets

Ha, well at least it's not the worst documentation smile Glad to know there's more than one way around the room here smile

I'm still debating on if SLA is the right way to go, our use case is more or less going to be for notifying of existing open tickets that have taken more than 2 days to complete. I guess piggy backing off of this, looking into reporting yet, maybe SLA isn't the right way for this.

A single summary report of all the tickets open to be sent to dept head, once a day, I'm reviewing the "reports" plugin and will see how things go there. Were just an internal group so no billing or the like is needed.


#7 2025-03-27 17:18:54

From: Wisconsin
Registered: 2025-03-12
Posts: 6

Re: Default ticket template not applying to emailed tickets


Ditching SLA as it's not really relevant to our situation, gave Notification "Alert Tickets not closed" with event "Not Solved Tickets" a try by enabling yesterday, and this morning I did receive an email with all open tickets. Now I've looked around and cannot find, where would one change the timing on WHEN this ticket gets emailed out. My assumption is that all notifications  under Setup > Notifications > Email Followups Configuration get delivered to whoever the "administrator email address" is populated with. Just not seeing where the schedule is for the "Alert Tickets not closed" notification.

Other notifications make sense based on an event that happens, but this is scheduled and I don't see a way to change it.



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