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#1 2024-11-13 22:05:07

Registered: 2024-10-08
Posts: 4

GLPI connector for ticketsystems

Hi all!

Does anyone know of a connector/interface between GLPI and a helpdesk/ticketing system?
We have just released our bidirectional interface between GLPI and Znuny (replacement of previous OTRS CE).
For planning the next updates we are looking for interesting new features and would like to compare our interface to others.

Unfortunately, we couldn't find anything yet - it seems that most GLPI users are using the integrated ticket system.
If you know of any connectors between GLPI and a helpdesk system (or even use one?), feel free to let us know about the most helpful and interesting features of it! :-)

For reference, the features of our interface can be found on

Thanks in advance for your feedback and happy GLPIing ;-)

Best Regards!


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