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#1 2024-10-17 18:01:10

Registered: 2023-11-16
Posts: 37

Urgently LDAP synchronization problem


My LDAP authentication has been correctly set up for 1 year, and everything works except for one thing.
When a user requests that his first or last name be changed, his account is moved to the GLPI recycle garbage can (which is what we have set up), the user's CN is changed, then GLPI decides to move it to the recycle garbage can.
While synchronization is based on objectguid, which should modify the CN but doesn't, instead it's moved to the trash.
Same problem when having the “disable user” setting instead of the trash.

For me, if synchronization is based on a single field like objectguid, GLPI should be able to modify all fields including the CN?
Now, if I put the CN in the synchronization field, it will move the user to the recycle garbage can and create a new one for me, except that the user will no longer have his ticket history, so that's another problem.

The only way to solve this problem is to manually click on “clean ldap fields and force synchronization”.
Is this a known problem?

Thanks for your help...

Last edited by Winday (2024-10-17 18:07:59)


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