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Hello, we have the following problem. Maybe someone here can help.
Incorrect integer value: '' for column glpi.glpi_documents.is_recursive at row 1
When I want to upload a document I get this error message in /var/www/glpi/files/_log/sql-errors.log:
Error: Incorrect integer value: '' for column glpi.glpi_documents.is_recursive at row 1
The part "is_recursive" does not contain a value. Neither 1 nor 0.
Backtrace :
src/DBmysql.php:1380 DBmysql->doQuery()
src/CommonDBTM.php:729 DBmysql->insert()
src/CommonDBTM.php:1342 CommonDBTM->addToDB()
front/document.form.php:58 CommonDBTM->add()
public/index.php:82 require()
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: INSERT INTO `glpi_documents` (`documentcategories_id`, `entities_id`, `is_recursive`, `users_id`, `name`, `mime`, `filename`, `filepath`, `sha1sum`, `tag`, `date_creation`, `date_mod`) VALUES ('6', '0', '', '7', 'Dokument: TEST', 'text/xml', 'TEST.xml', 'XML/19/0eda921758e09f3ca50b4fde34ebaed20e8d9c.XML', '190eda921758e09f3ca50b4fde34ebaed20e8d9c', '00eeedfc-b2d8e96f-667d639d5bf511.02695448', '2024-06-27 15:05:36', '2024-06-27 15:05:36')
Error: Incorrect integer value: '' for column `glpi`.`glpi_documents`.`is_recursive` at row 1
Backtrace :
src/DBmysql.php:1380 DBmysql->doQuery()
src/CommonDBTM.php:729 DBmysql->insert()
src/CommonDBTM.php:1342 CommonDBTM->addToDB()
front/document.form.php:58 CommonDBTM->add()
public/index.php:82 require()
Thanks a lot!
If I run mariadb with sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION then it works. But that can't be the solution and it hasn't been necessary for the last 3 years. Why is the field for 'is_recursive" empty? If it were filled with 0 or 1, the problem wouldn't exist.