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I'm set up the plugin as the docs said: … me-ov-file
On my GLPI 10.0.15, plugin 1.0 and agent 1.9
I set up Databases params:
Name: Whatever name.
Partial inventory: No
Is active: Yes
Execution frequency for partial inventory: 0 hours
I set up Credentials:
Name: TestNameSQLServer
Port: 1433
Login: sa
Password: Password.123
Socket: HostnameSQLServer
Credential types: Microsoft SQL (with the bug fix:
I set up Computers Group:
Name: WhatEverComputerGroupName
Static Groups: Server01 (with glpi agent 1.9)
I tried to force inventory from the server itself but never pass the credentials so never inventory the "HostnameSQLSERVER". Nerver I get the "get_databaseparams" in the server's agent logs as the docs said:
Agent => plugin: get parameters
When running the database inventory, the agent retrieves the database inventory configuration settings from the URL provided by the CONTACT protocol (get_databaseparams).
"action": "get_params",
I tried in the computer: "Actions > Run partial database inventory" but I'm getting this error in the php-error.log:
glpiphplog.WARNING: *** PHP Warning (2): Undefined array key "search" in /glpi/marketplace/databaseinventory/inc/computergroupdynamic.class.php at line 153
Backtrace :
...inventory/inc/computergroupdynamic.class.php:80 PluginDatabaseinventoryComputerGroupDynamic->countDynamicItems()
src/Search.php:7824 PluginDatabaseinventoryComputerGroupDynamic::getSpecificValueToDisplay()
src/Search.php:1733 Search::giveItem()
src/Search.php:449 Search::constructData()
src/Search.php:200 Search::getDatas()
src/Search.php:177 Search::showList()
...ce/databaseinventory/front/computergroup.php:37 Search::show()
public/index.php:82 require()
So I don't know how to set up correctly, or if the plugin doesn't work or it has a bug. Can someone help me? Please.