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#1 2024-07-03 10:33:40

Registered: 2011-04-22
Posts: 13

Problème remontée inventaire agent GLPI sur srv GLPI après version 173


Je rencontre des difficultés avec l'agent glpi sur le serveur GLPI après la version 1.7.3. Que ce soit avec la version 1.8 ou 1.9 si je met à jour l'agent sur le serveur GLPI avec les même paramètres que la version 1.7.3, il ne remonte plus dans l'inventaire. Et je soupçonne que mes scans SNMP ne fonctionnent plus à cause de ça également.
Voici la configuration du serveur GLPI:

Windows Serveur 2022
PHP 8.3.2
MySQL 8.0.36
Accès à GLPI en HTTPS avec un certificat auto-signé de IIS

Voici les logs du serveur (suppression version, reboot serveur et installation de la dernière version):

[Wed Jul  3 09:40:25 2024][debug] Logger backend File initialized
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] GLPI Agent (1.9)
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Configuration directory: C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Data directory: C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/share
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Storage directory: C:\Program Files\GLPI-Agent\var
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Lib directory: C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/perl/agent
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [target server0] Next server contact planned for Wed Jul  3 10:35:24 2024
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task Collect version 2.9
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task Deploy version 3.1
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task ESX version 2.10
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task Inventory version 1.16
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task NetDiscovery version 6.2
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task NetInventory version 6.2
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task RemoteInventory version 1.5
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Available tasks:
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] - Collect: 2.9
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] - Deploy: 3.1
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] - ESX: 2.10
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] - Inventory: 1.16
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] - NetDiscovery: 6.2
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] - NetInventory: 6.2
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] - RemoteInventory: 1.5
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] target server0: server
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Planned tasks for server0: NetInventory,RemoteInventory,NetDiscovery,Deploy,Collect,Inventory,ESX
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Provided by Teclib Edition
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Installer built on Tue May 28 09:10:25 2024 UTC
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Built with Strawberry Perl 5.38.2
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Built on github actions windows image for glpi-project/glpi-agent repository
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][info] GLPI Agent service starting
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Trusted target ip: xx::xx:xx:xx:xx/128, x.x.x.x/32, ::xx:xx:xx/128
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] Trusted client ip/range:, ::xx:xx:x/128, ::1/128
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load BasicAuthentication Server plugin
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [basic authentication server plugin] Initializing BasicAuthentication v1.0 Server plugin...
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [basic authentication server plugin] Loading BasicAuthentication Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/basic-authentication-server-plugin.cfg
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD BasicAuthentication Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load Inventory Server plugin
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [inventory server plugin] Initializing Inventory v1.1 Server plugin...
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [inventory server plugin] Loading Inventory Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/inventory-server-plugin.cfg
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD Inventory Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load Proxy Server plugin
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [proxy server plugin] Initializing Proxy v2.3 Server plugin...
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [proxy server plugin] Loading Proxy Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/proxy-server-plugin.cfg
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD Proxy Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load SecondaryProxy Server plugin
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [proxy2 server plugin] Initializing SecondaryProxy v1.1 Server plugin...
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024][debug] [proxy2 server plugin] Loading SecondaryProxy Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/proxy2-server-plugin.cfg
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD SecondaryProxy Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load SSL Server plugin
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [ssl server plugin] Initializing SSL v1.1 Server plugin...
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [ssl server plugin] Loading SSL Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/ssl-server-plugin.cfg
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD SSL Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load Test Server plugin
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [server test plugin] Initializing Test v1.9 Server plugin...
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [server test plugin] Loading Test Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/server-test-plugin.cfg
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD Test Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load ToolBox Server plugin
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [toolbox plugin] Initializing ToolBox v1.4 Server plugin...
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [toolbox plugin] Loading ToolBox Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/toolbox-plugin.cfg
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD ToolBox Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][info] [http server] HTTPD service started on port 62354
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:27 2024][debug2] Looking for Win32_Processor class WMI objects
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:28 2024][debug] Agent memory usage before freeing memory: WSS=124125184 PFU=113750016
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:28 2024][info] GLPI Agent memory usage: WSS=3072000 PFU=113750016
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:28 2024][debug] Running in background mode
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:28 2024][info] target server0: next run: Wed Jul  3 09:40:26 2024 -
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:28 2024][info] target server0: server
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:28 2024][debug2] [http client] Using Compress::Zlib for compression
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:28 2024][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:28 2024][debug2] [http client] sending message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:29 2024][error] [http client] internal response: 500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed), SSL connect attempt failed
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:29 2024][error] No supported answer from server at
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:29 2024][info] target server0: next run: Wed Jul  3 09:41:29 2024 -
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:38 2024][debug] target server0: init event for NetInventory task
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:39 2024][debug] target server0: init event for RemoteInventory task
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:40 2024][debug] target server0: init event for NetDiscovery task
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:42 2024][debug] target server0: init event for Deploy task
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:42 2024][debug] [target server0] New storage maintenance event on deploy task
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:42 2024][debug2] [target server0] Event scheduled in 120 seconds
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:43 2024][debug] target server0: init event for Collect task
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:44 2024][debug] target server0: init event for Inventory task
[Wed Jul  3 09:40:45 2024][debug] target server0: init event for ESX task
[Wed Jul  3 09:41:29 2024][info] target server0: server
[Wed Jul  3 09:41:29 2024][debug2] [http client] Using Compress::Zlib for compression
[Wed Jul  3 09:41:29 2024][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Wed Jul  3 09:41:29 2024][debug2] [http client] sending message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Wed Jul  3 09:41:30 2024][error] [http client] internal response: 500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed), SSL connect attempt failed
[Wed Jul  3 09:41:30 2024][error] No supported answer from server at
[Wed Jul  3 09:41:30 2024][info] target server0: next run: Wed Jul  3 09:43:30 2024 -
[Wed Jul  3 09:41:30 2024][debug] Agent memory usage before freeing memory: WSS=58236928 PFU=129957888
[Wed Jul  3 09:41:30 2024][info] GLPI Agent memory usage: WSS=3203072 PFU=129957888
[Wed Jul  3 09:42:42 2024][debug] target server0: storage maintenance event for deploy task
[Wed Jul  3 09:42:42 2024][debug] new thread 3 to handle task Deploy
[Wed Jul  3 09:42:43 2024][info] running task Deploy: storage maintenance event
[Wed Jul  3 09:42:43 2024][debug] Deploy task storage maintenance event for server0 target
[Wed Jul  3 09:42:43 2024][debug] No need to plan another storage maintenance event for server0 target
[Wed Jul  3 09:42:45 2024][debug] Agent memory usage before freeing memory: WSS=103956480 PFU=136273920
[Wed Jul  3 09:42:45 2024][info] GLPI Agent memory usage: WSS=3395584 PFU=136273920
[Wed Jul  3 09:43:30 2024][info] target server0: server
[Wed Jul  3 09:43:30 2024][debug2] [http client] Using Compress::Zlib for compression
[Wed Jul  3 09:43:30 2024][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Wed Jul  3 09:43:30 2024][debug2] [http client] sending message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Wed Jul  3 09:43:30 2024][error] [http client] internal response: 500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed), SSL connect attempt failed
[Wed Jul  3 09:43:30 2024][error] No supported answer from server at
[Wed Jul  3 09:43:30 2024][info] target server0: next run: Wed Jul  3 09:47:30 2024 -
[Wed Jul  3 09:47:30 2024][info] target server0: server
[Wed Jul  3 09:47:30 2024][debug2] [http client] Using Compress::Zlib for compression
[Wed Jul  3 09:47:30 2024][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Wed Jul  3 09:47:30 2024][debug2] [http client] sending message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Wed Jul  3 09:47:30 2024][error] [http client] internal response: 500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed), SSL connect attempt failed
[Wed Jul  3 09:47:30 2024][error] No supported answer from server at
[Wed Jul  3 09:47:30 2024][info] target server0: next run: Wed Jul  3 09:55:30 2024 -
[Wed Jul  3 09:47:31 2024][debug] Agent memory usage before freeing memory: WSS=28065792 PFU=137723904
[Wed Jul  3 09:47:31 2024][info] GLPI Agent memory usage: WSS=3178496 PFU=137723904
[Wed Jul  3 09:55:30 2024][info] target server0: server
[Wed Jul  3 09:55:30 2024][debug2] [http client] Using Compress::Zlib for compression
[Wed Jul  3 09:55:30 2024][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Wed Jul  3 09:55:30 2024][debug2] [http client] sending message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Wed Jul  3 09:55:31 2024][error] [http client] internal response: 500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed), SSL connect attempt failed
[Wed Jul  3 09:55:31 2024][error] No supported answer from server at
[Wed Jul  3 09:55:31 2024][info] target server0: next run: Wed Jul  3 10:11:31 2024 -
[Wed Jul  3 09:55:31 2024][debug] Agent memory usage before freeing memory: WSS=26894336 PFU=137654272
[Wed Jul  3 09:55:31 2024][info] GLPI Agent memory usage: WSS=3153920 PFU=137654272
[Wed Jul  3 10:11:31 2024][info] target server0: server
[Wed Jul  3 10:11:31 2024][debug2] [http client] Using Compress::Zlib for compression
[Wed Jul  3 10:11:31 2024][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Wed Jul  3 10:11:31 2024][debug2] [http client] sending message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Wed Jul  3 10:11:32 2024][error] [http client] internal response: 500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed), SSL connect attempt failed
[Wed Jul  3 10:11:32 2024][error] No supported answer from server at
[Wed Jul  3 10:11:32 2024][info] target server0: next run: Wed Jul  3 10:43:32 2024 -
[Wed Jul  3 10:11:32 2024][debug] Agent memory usage before freeing memory: WSS=26521600 PFU=137654272
[Wed Jul  3 10:11:32 2024][info] GLPI Agent memory usage: WSS=3174400 PFU=137654272

J'ai beau chercher dans tous les sens je ne comprend pas pourquoi j'ai ce problème, car j'installe le client 1.8 ou 1.9 sur d'autres serveurs en 2016-2019-2022 et je ne rencontre pas de problème.

Si vous avez des idées, je suis preneur :-)

Un grand merci à vous pour votre aide.



#2 2024-07-03 19:24:18

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 152

Re: Problème remontée inventaire agent GLPI sur srv GLPI après version 173

Bonjour @laurentc

Avec le log de la transaction initiale entre l'Agent et le serveur, un truc saute aux yeux :
- c'est l'échec de la connexion SSL entre les deux.

Cela aurait dû me faire TILT dès ton post originel dans le le forum Gnu/Linux, mais ton serveur W2K22 chiffre HTTPS du GLPI avec un certificat auto-signé.
Mais la clef publique de ce certificat est-elle déployée sur les postes client ?

Si il s'agit d'un serveur W2K22/IIS, peut-être as-tu une PKI / AD disponible ?

Sinon il faut installer la clef publique sur les postes clients, soit renseigner la signature du certificat directement dans la conf de l'Agent (ssl-fingerprint = xxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXX...).

Un premier test, si il n'a pas encore été fait, est de lancer un échange entre l'Agent et le serveur en désactivant temporairement le SSL (no-ssl-check = 1), et inspecter les log à nouveau à l'issue.


Creuser, creuser... creuser.
GLPI 10.0.17 [ Linux el 9.5 | Apache/2.4.xx | MariaDB 10.5.xx | PHP 8.3.x ] - Apache HTTPS r-proxy [ Linux el 9.5 | Apache/2.4.xx ]
GLPI Inventory 1.4.0 | Treeview (Arborescence) 1.10.2 |
-- Any conversation not written in French comes from an automatic translation. Thank you for your understanding. --


#3 2024-07-04 10:44:33

Registered: 2011-04-22
Posts: 13

Re: Problème remontée inventaire agent GLPI sur srv GLPI après version 173

Bonjour @homebrewtainy,

Oui, j'ai bien vu cet échec de connexion SSL. ce qui me choque c'est le fait que cela fonctionne avec la version 1.7.3, mais si j'installe avec les mêmes paramètres une version 1.9 cela ne fonctionne plus = pas logique à moins que le comportement entre les deux versions soient différent, je ne vois que ça.

Oui, le certificat est déployé sur tous les postes qui accèdent à GLPI. Je confirme bien que la version 1.8 ou 1.9 ne me pose aucun problème sur tous les autres postes (Windows client ou serveurs), je n'ai cette erreur que sur mon serveur GLPI.

J'avais fait ce test également avec ou sans la case Disable SSL check de coché, le problème est le même, mais les logs sont différents. Ci-dessous les logs cette fois-ci avec le Disable SSL check de décoché (les logs dans le premier post ayant le paramètre Disable ssl check de coché):

[Thu Jul  4 10:35:06 2024][debug] Logger backend File initialized
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:06 2024][debug] GLPI Agent (1.9)
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:06 2024][debug] Configuration directory: C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:06 2024][debug] Data directory: C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/share
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:07 2024][debug] Storage directory: C:\Program Files\GLPI-Agent\var
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:07 2024][debug] Lib directory: C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/perl/agent
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:07 2024][debug] [target server0] Next server contact planned for Thu Jul  4 11:34:35 2024
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:07 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task Collect version 2.9
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:07 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task Deploy version 3.1
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:07 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task ESX version 2.10
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:07 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task Inventory version 1.16
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task NetDiscovery version 6.2
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task NetInventory version 6.2
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug2] getAvailableTasks() : add of task RemoteInventory version 1.5
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] Available tasks:
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] - Collect: 2.9
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] - Deploy: 3.1
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] - ESX: 2.10
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] - Inventory: 1.16
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] - NetDiscovery: 6.2
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] - NetInventory: 6.2
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] - RemoteInventory: 1.5
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] target server0: server
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024][debug] Planned tasks for server0: Inventory,Collect,ESX,NetInventory,NetDiscovery,Deploy,RemoteInventory
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] Provided by Teclib Edition
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] Installer built on Tue May 28 09:10:25 2024 UTC
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] Built with Strawberry Perl 5.38.2
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] Built on github actions windows image for glpi-project/glpi-agent repository
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][info] GLPI Agent service starting
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] Trusted target ip: 0000::0000:0000:0000:0000/128,, ::0000:000:0000/128
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] Trusted client ip/range:, ::0000:0000:0/128, ::1/128
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load BasicAuthentication Server plugin
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] [basic authentication server plugin] Initializing BasicAuthentication v1.0 Server plugin...
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] [basic authentication server plugin] Loading BasicAuthentication Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/basic-authentication-server-plugin.cfg
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD BasicAuthentication Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load Inventory Server plugin
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] [inventory server plugin] Initializing Inventory v1.1 Server plugin...
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] [inventory server plugin] Loading Inventory Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/inventory-server-plugin.cfg
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD Inventory Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:09 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load Proxy Server plugin
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [proxy server plugin] Initializing Proxy v2.3 Server plugin...
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [proxy server plugin] Loading Proxy Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/proxy-server-plugin.cfg
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD Proxy Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load SecondaryProxy Server plugin
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [proxy2 server plugin] Initializing SecondaryProxy v1.1 Server plugin...
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [proxy2 server plugin] Loading SecondaryProxy Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/proxy2-server-plugin.cfg
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD SecondaryProxy Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load SSL Server plugin
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [ssl server plugin] Initializing SSL v1.1 Server plugin...
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [ssl server plugin] Loading SSL Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/ssl-server-plugin.cfg
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD SSL Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load Test Server plugin
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [server test plugin] Initializing Test v1.9 Server plugin...
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [server test plugin] Loading Test Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/server-test-plugin.cfg
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD Test Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [http server] Trying to load ToolBox Server plugin
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [toolbox plugin] Initializing ToolBox v1.4 Server plugin...
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [toolbox plugin] Loading ToolBox Server plugin configuration from C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/etc/toolbox-plugin.cfg
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][debug] [http server] HTTPD ToolBox Server plugin loaded but disabled
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:10 2024][info] [http server] HTTPD service started on port 62354
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:11 2024][debug2] Looking for Win32_Processor class WMI objects
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][debug] Agent memory usage before freeing memory: WSS=124977152 PFU=114606080
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][info] GLPI Agent memory usage: WSS=3088384 PFU=114606080
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][debug] Running in background mode
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][info] target server0: next run: Thu Jul  4 10:35:08 2024 -
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][info] target server0: server
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][debug2] [http client] Using Compress::Zlib for compression
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][debug2] [http client] sending message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][debug] [http client] Updating keystore known certificates
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][debug2] Changing to 'C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/var/keystore-export-pq0HiB' temporary folder
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:12 2024][debug2] executing certutil -Silent -Split -Store CA
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:13 2024][debug2] executing certutil -Silent -Split -Store Root
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:14 2024][debug2] executing certutil -Silent -Split -Enterprise -Store CA
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:14 2024][debug2] executing certutil -Silent -Split -Enterprise -Store Root
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:15 2024][debug2] executing certutil -Silent -Split -GroupPolicy -Store CA
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:15 2024][debug2] executing certutil -Silent -Split -GroupPolicy -Store Root
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:15 2024][debug2] executing certutil -Silent -Split -User -Store CA
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:16 2024][debug2] executing certutil -Silent -Split -User -Store Root
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:16 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 0119e81be9a1440a0000000c118c687ecba3f4d8.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:16 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 06f1aa330b927b753a4000000002e34bcbef3352.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:18 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 109f1caed645bb7800000000000000040733031c.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:18 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 18f7c1fcc3090203fd5b00000000054976c8dd25.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:18 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 245000000014e7cf2df8be72ae957b9e04741e85.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:19 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 31f9fc8ba38059000000007295c65b3a44534274.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:19 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 3b1efd3a66ea28b16697394703a72ca340000000.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:19 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 5d4b9a0faed2102d099410000001c0de1a87d8c8.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:19 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 7f88cd7223000000008c994614a89c99fa3b5247.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:20 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 83da05a9886f7658be73ac0000000c0f99b92f01.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:20 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 8da7f965ec5efc37910f1c6e59fd0000000ede16.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:20 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 8f43288ad27000000b6fb1428485ea3014c0bcfe.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:21 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 911f1f50000beb98c256ce50d4cbb3a003122667.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:21 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode 92b46c76e13054e100000000006e504d43ab10b5.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:21 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode a43489159a520f00000000000037e7fe20a8b419.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:22 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode b1b6fb2372e49097e20974090000000926970b64.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:22 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode be36a45600000005dbb3d32323adf445084ed656.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:22 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode cdd4eeae6000ac7f40000000001e30148030c072.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:23 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode d559a586669b08f46a30a133f8a9ed3000002ea8.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:23 2024][debug2] executing certutil -encode fee449ee00000005246f000e87fde2a065fd89d4.crt temp.cer
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:24 2024][debug2] Changing back to 'C:/Program Files/GLPI-Agent/perl/bin' folder
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:24 2024][error] [http client] internal response: 500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed), SSL connect attempt failed
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:24 2024][error] No supported answer from server at
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:24 2024][info] target server0: next run: Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024 -
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:25 2024][debug] target server0: init event for Inventory task
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:26 2024][debug] target server0: init event for Collect task
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:28 2024][debug] target server0: init event for ESX task
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:29 2024][debug] target server0: init event for NetInventory task
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:30 2024][debug] target server0: init event for NetDiscovery task
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:31 2024][debug] target server0: init event for Deploy task
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:31 2024][debug] [target server0] New storage maintenance event on deploy task
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:31 2024][debug2] [target server0] Event scheduled in 120 seconds
[Thu Jul  4 10:35:32 2024][debug] target server0: init event for RemoteInventory task
[Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024][info] target server0: server
[Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024][debug2] [http client] Using Compress::Zlib for compression
[Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024][debug2] [http client] sending message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024][error] [http client] internal response: 500 Can't connect to (SSL connect attempt failed), SSL connect attempt failed
[Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024][error] No supported answer from server at
[Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024][info] target server0: next run: Thu Jul  4 10:38:24 2024 -
[Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024][debug] Agent memory usage before freeing memory: WSS=59957248 PFU=130973696
[Thu Jul  4 10:36:24 2024][info] GLPI Agent memory usage: WSS=3248128 PFU=130973696

Merci pour votre aide



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