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We just updated our GLPI from v10.0.10 to v10.0.15 and an update for Inventory number generation (geninventorynumber) from v2.8.3 to v2.8.4 became available. We clicked the download button and then the update button, but got an error. As far as I can see with debug mode:
Uncaught Exception ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function DBmysql::update(), 2 passed in /var/www/html/glpi/marketplace/geninventorynumber/inc/configfield.class.php on line 124 and at least 3 expected in /var/www/html/glpi/src/DBmysql.php at line 1500
On the plugin Git there seems to be an issue like mine: http_s://
but since it's new it does not have a reply yet. Posting this here hoping the someone has any idea on how to resolve.