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Pages: 1
Hello, I have a problem with a profile. In the follow-ups/tasks section I have the "add follow-up (observer)" option checked but the profile does not have the possibility of modifying it in a ticket. What could be the problem? I have another profile exactly the same and if you can...
Version GLPI: 10.0.16 -
Plugins :Fields aditional 1.21.9 - Alerts 1.12.2 - GLPI Inventory 1.3.4 - Escalation 2.9.4 - Data Inyection 2.13.4 - Metabase - 1.3.3 - Ticketfilter 1.3.2 - Timeline of tickets -10.0+1.2 - YAGP 2.3.1 - Gapp Essentials 2.3.0 - Formcreator 2.13.9
Server :Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Pages: 1