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#1 2020-06-09 00:17:42

Registered: 2020-06-08
Posts: 1

FormCreator Category and Entities


Sorry for my English.
I need help with FormCreator categories

I have three entities:
> Root
>> IT
>> Administration

All IT forms work normally. However, the same categories of forms are displayed in the Administration entity. Would it be possible?

Using FormCreator, I would like each entity to have its own form categories.


#2 2020-06-09 12:15:18

Registered: 2017-12-14
Posts: 82

Re: FormCreator Category and Entities


If I get Your request right - You'd like to have a specific forms appearing in particular Entities, right?

If that is what You want, just keep the proper assignment of the forms, when You create them:
- set the right context (Entity + Profile), where You want Your form to get created
- create a form, set "Child entities" accordingly (No - if You want the form to be visible exactly on the Entity, and not below, Yes - if, for example, You'd create a form in Root and want it appearing in all entities below)

Then, when operating in particular Entities, You'd only see the forms which pertain to that level, or are inherited from above.

> Root - form "Root only", child entities = No
> Root - form "Root and below", child entities = Yes
>> IT - form "For IT", child entities = does not matter
>> Administration - form "For Administration", child entities = does not matter

When in IT, You should see "Root and below" + "For IT"
When in Administration, similarly: "Root and below" + "For Administration"
All forms should be visible only when <Root (tree structure)> is selected in Your context.

I only hope this is what You're looking for...


#3 2023-12-04 16:11:21

Registered: 2023-12-04
Posts: 1

Re: FormCreator Category and Entities

Hi @Kalashnkv,

I want to create a form from the root entity and make it accessible to different child entities, but I can't find the "Child entities" option when creating or modifying forms.

Can you please tell me where to change this setting?

I'm using GLPI 10.0.9 and FormCreator 2.13.7 (I've also tested version 2.13.8).

Thanks in advance!


#4 2023-12-04 17:17:13

Registered: 2018-09-24
Posts: 605

Re: FormCreator Category and Entities

Asset in the root entities with the child entites set to yes, is available in all the children entities. You can't choose.

But, you can have user groups in certain entities and that form will be only available for this group no matter the entitiy

Manger un castor, c'est sauver un arbre.
Quand on est mort, on ne sait pas qu'on est mort ; c'est pour les autres que c'est difficile. Quand on est con, c'est pareil !


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