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Привет. Изучаю систему GLPI, заметил что в логах все действия учитываются от имени Plugin_FusionInventory. Это мешает анализу действий пользователей и не позволяет отслеживать кто именно внес изменения в карточку актива. Как сделать так что бы было видно кто конкретно совершил действие в системе?
I'm studying the GLPI system, I noticed that in the logs all actions are taken into account on behalf of Plugin_FusionInventory. This interferes with the analysis of user actions and does not allow tracking who exactly made changes to the asset card. How can I make it clear who exactly performed the action in the system?
Thank you.
Glpi 10.0.11
I apologize, I didn’t fully understand the question. There is a lot of equipment included in the system and I chose the wrong examples for research. Now I see that if the user makes changes, then everything is reflected correctly.
But now the question is why can the inventory plugin change SN? Can this happen if the components in the computer have changed, for example, from two non-working ones they have assembled one working one?
Glpi 10.0.11