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starting today I noticed that the scheduled operations no longer work. Up until now they have always worked.
If I manually try to do the operations, such as send notification queue or mailgate, everything works.
How can I fix this to get everything working automatically again?*
I use Centos as my operating system and the GLPI uses the CLI. GLPI 9.5.5.
I tried running this command:
/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/glpi/front/cron.php --debug --force queuednotification
and I get this error:
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_STRING) in /var/www/html/glpi/front/cron.php(60) : eval()'d code on line 1
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
this is the settings:
Operating system: Linux glpi.afolmb.local 3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jun 10 13:32:12 UTC 2021 x86_64
PHP 7.3.28 apache2handler (Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, apache2handler, apcu, bcmath, bz2,
calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, imap, intl, json, ldap, libxml,
mbstring, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, recode, session, shmop, sockets, sodium, sqlite3,
standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib)
Setup: max_execution_time="30" memory_limit="-1" post_max_size="8M" safe_mode="" session.save_handler="files"
Software: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/7.3.28 mod_perl/2.0.11 Perl/v5.16.3 ()
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/119.0
Server Software: MariaDB Server
Server Version: 10.1.48-MariaDB
Server SQL Mode:
Parameters: root@localhost/glpi
Host info: Localhost via UNIX socket
PHP version is at least 7.2.0 - Perfect!PHP version is at least 7.2.0 - Perfect!
Sessions support is available - Perfect!Sessions support is available - Perfect!
Unlimited memory - Perfect!Unlimited memory - Perfect!
mysqli extension is installedmysqli extension is installed
ctype extension is installedctype extension is installed
fileinfo extension is installedfileinfo extension is installed
json extension is installedjson extension is installed
mbstring extension is installedmbstring extension is installed
iconv extension is installediconv extension is installed
zlib extension is installedzlib extension is installed
curl extension is installedcurl extension is installed
gd extension is installedgd extension is installed
simplexml extension is installedsimplexml extension is installed
intl extension is installedintl extension is installed
ldap extension is installedldap extension is installed
apcu extension is installedapcu extension is installed
Zend OPcache extension is installedZend OPcache extension is installed
xmlrpc extension is installedxmlrpc extension is installed
CAS extension is installedCAS extension is installed
exif extension is installedexif extension is installed
zip extension is installedzip extension is installed
bz2 extension is installedbz2 extension is installed
sodium extension is installedsodium extension is installed
Database version seems correct (10.1.48) - Perfect!Database version seems correct (10.1.48) - Perfect!
Timezones seems loaded in databaseTimezones seems loaded in database
The log file has been created successfully.The log file has been created successfully.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_cache has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_cache has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/config has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/config has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_cron has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_cron has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_dumps has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_dumps has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_graphs has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_graphs has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_lock has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_lock has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_pictures has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_pictures has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_plugins has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_plugins has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_rss has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_rss has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_sessions has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_sessions has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_tmp has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_tmp has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_uploads has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_uploads has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/marketplace has been validated.Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/marketplace has been validated.
Web access to the files directory should not be allowed but this cannot be checked automatically on this instance. Make sure access to error log file (/files/_log/php-errors.log) is forbidden; otherwise review .htaccess file and web server configuration.Web access to the files directory should not be allowed but this cannot be checked automatically on this instance.
Make sure access to error log file (/files/_log/php-errors.log) is forbidden; otherwise review .htaccess file and web server configuration.
For security reasons, SELinux mode should be Enforcing.For security reasons, SELinux mode should be Enforcing.
Last edited by Afol (2023-11-09 13:45:18)
I replaced the cron.php file with the original file downloaded from the official GLPI website (they were different) and now everything seems to be working again.
Has anyone managed to modify them? the files are different
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