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#1 2023-09-25 11:25:16

Registered: 2023-09-25
Posts: 1

Migration of mariadb from 0.85.5 onwards to latest version

Hi there,

I would like to ask your suggestion in relation to the issue I'm having. I have deployed the latest version of GLPI and now would like to migrate an old database over. I'm using mariadb on both end. If I simply make an sqldump and try restore it on the new deployment it all seems ok but when the scripts are running trhough the database migration process it fails with an error.
The error is Unable to rename table glpi_slts (ok) to glpi_slas (not ok)!

It seems like the script can only upgrade the database until 1.9.3. This is the point where the database is changed from MYISAM to INNODB.

The error logs saying the same error
Unable to rename table glpi_slts (ok) to glpi_slas (not ok)!

Please advise me in this problem



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