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[Fri Sep 15 16:44:58 2023][info] target server0: server https://miweb/front/inventory.php
[Fri Sep 15 16:44:58 2023][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Fri Sep 15 16:44:59 2023][error] [http client] communication error: 403 Forbidden
[Fri Sep 15 16:44:59 2023][error] No supported answer from server at https://miweb/front/inventory.php
[Fri Sep 15 16:44:59 2023][info] target server0: next run: Fri Sep 15 17:16:59 2023 - https://miweb/front/inventory.php
[Fri Sep 15 16:44:59 2023][info] GLPI Agent memory usage: WSS=3297280 PFU=125673472
Helpmy My agent not sending information with a GLPI Server.
Are you using windows? You may have a problem with SSL.
I wrote an article about this: search google "windows https ssl-tls error"
I also prepared a ps script: github "talipcakir/win-https-ssl-tls"
If your problem is SSL, it can be solved this way. If there is a problem with the connection, you can try pinging it from the computer where you want to install the agent. It could also be a dns problem. It may not be going to the site.
Hi, My GLPI is hosting CPanel - Linux
Ping response correctli
What is the operating system of the computer on which you want to install the glpi agent?
Can you go to your site from the browser?
So client: Windows
Yes, conected site GLPi, for client, create case.