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I have a problem with uploading a file to GLPI. Everytime I choose a file when uploading, I get information window with file informations. The file is uploaded, and I can see it on my server, but it won't get attached to a ticket. For example, I tried to update my profile picture in user settings, but I get window with informations like below:
{"_uploader_picture":[{"name":"6058e5627857a8.28817936zdjecie malego pieska.jpg","size":18129,"type":"image\/jpeg","url":"http:\/\/\/glpi\/ajax\/files\/6058e5627857a8.28817936zdjecie%20malego%20pieska.jpg","deleteUrl":"http:\/\/\/glpi\/ajax\/fileupload.php?_uploader_pictur=6058e5627857a8.28817936zdjecie%20malego%20pieska.jpg","deleteType":"DELETE","prefix":"6058e5627857a8.28817936","display":"zdjecie malego pieska.jpg 17.7 KB","filesize":"17.7 KB","id":"doc_uploader_picture639686956"}]}.
The GLPI is fresh installed, with every php library it needs. PHP version is 8.2, GLPI version is 10.0.6.
Thank You in advance for any help and ideas.