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Am newly configuring GLPI and i want to ask if it is possible to reply directly from GLPI and the answer can reach the user email.
if yes how to do?
thanks in advance.
You must configure email notifications. (Setup > Notifications >Email followups configuration )
Then you configure the Add Followup notification.(Setup > Notifications >Notifications )
Last edited by lecortex (2023-09-12 17:41:31)
-- Any exchange not written in French comes from an automatic translation. --
Thank you for reply.
i did that but am asking if i can directly answer in glpi interface and my reply will be sent by email to the destination email.
did you understand my needs?
Yes, if you respond directly in glpi, a notification will be sent by email to the email of the user who opened the ticket. (if he has an email address configured in his glpi profile).
in the notification configuration you must choose the recipient of the notification.( section "Recipients")
check in "Administration > Notification queue" if you have any pending notifications and queuednotification is active in " Setup > Automatic actions "
When you create a ticket, do you receive an email?
-- Any exchange not written in French comes from an automatic translation. --
yes can we add the reply content in notification so the user can see the reply in his email without access to his glpi account?
yes, when you configure "Add Followup notification" choose Template ( clic on the template or add template ) > Template translations > Default Translation and modify Email HTML body or Email text body with tag ( ##ticket content## for exemple). the list of tags is available at the top of the page.
-- Any exchange not written in French comes from an automatic translation. --
many thanks for all details.
the last thing i have an issue when user reply the ticket by email the content is empty.
Sorry i can't add an attach file or url in this topic to give you more details
Last edited by soat (2023-09-13 10:29:36)
There is no follow-up or an empty follow-up?
In configuration "Setup > Notifications Email > Email followups configuration" , the "Reply-To address " is the same adress of colector Mail server ?
-- Any exchange not written in French comes from an automatic translation. --
As i understand unkown users can create ticket by mail but can't follow-up using mail reply.
is that right?
In the ticket if the requester is email adress ( when anonymous open ticket by mail) or one user with email in profil , notifications are sent.
when the user does not have email followup, the bell is white.
Last edited by lecortex (2023-09-13 14:22:05)
-- Any exchange not written in French comes from an automatic translation. --
let me explain the case may be it will be more clear.
A non subscribe user (don't have glpi account) open a ticket by sending an email and every thing is ok.
Now the ticket was created and an agent reply to the ticket, an email notification is sent to the user.
Now the user (don't have glpi account) add new reply to the ticket from his email, this new reply will be empty in GLPI.
I test on my environement :
A non subscribe user (don't have glpi account) open a ticket by sending an email and every thing is ok.
same behavior
Now the ticket was created and an agent reply to the ticket, an email notification is sent to the user.
same behavior
Now the user (don't have glpi account) add new reply to the ticket from his email, this new reply will be empty in GLPI.
in my glpi , the user (not having a glpi account) adds a response to the email this is not supported
When the collector processing an email, it does not process the response and moves the email to refused mail archive folder.
you have the same behavior or you have this :
-- Any exchange not written in French comes from an automatic translation. --
for authorized anonymous followsups go to Setup > General > Assistance > Allow anonymous followups (receiver) set to yes
-- Any exchange not written in French comes from an automatic translation. --
thank you for your assist.
Pages: 1