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Is it possible to create additional remote types in GLPI?
The ones included in GLPI such as TeamViewer, LiteManager, Anydesk, etc. are unfortunately too few for us in the company and we would like to have the possibility to add additional ones.
I would not have found a way to do that yet. Please Help.
Hello Aurel44,
[English from Google Translate]
A suggestion would be to formulate a FEATURE REQUEST in the GitHub glpi-agent Discussions for the Remote Application(s) that you are missing.
Thus, these new types of Remote Applications could possibly be integrated into the GLPI Core and within the scope of the GLPI Agent by the developer, g-bougard.
Creuser, creuser... creuser.
GLPI 10.0.16 [ Linux el 9.4 | Apache/2.4.xx | mysql 15.1 MariaDB 10.5.xx | PHP 8.3.x ] - Apache HTTPS r-proxy [ Linux el 9.4 | Apache/2.4.xx ]
GLPI Inventory 1.3.5 | Data Injection 2.13.5 | Treeview (Arborescence) 1.10.2 | Behaviors (Comportements) 2.7.3
-- Any exchange not written in French comes from an automatic translation. --
Pages: 1