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Hello! I'm trying to setup a notification to be sent via Webhook (I'm using the Webhook plugin for that) and I'm having issues with some of the tags I need to pass in the notification.
I can pass some tags like
and their values are properly reflected in the notification, but any tag that would require "FOREACH" such as
##FOREACHvalidations## ##validation.validator## ##ENDFOREACHvalidations##
are outputting blank values.
I tried with "authors" and "actors" as well and I'm having the same issue as with the validators, but it's the validators name that I'm mostly interested in, since I initially plan to use this notification as the payload for an AWS lambda code to route messages with the validation request for people in Slack.
Also I should mention that I tried having the tags in both the e-mail text field and the html field and they're not working with any of those configurations.
Is there another trick to get them working, am I doing it wrong or is this an issue with this version of GLPI? Below is my full notification text:
Request: ##ticket.title##
*New validation request*: <https://[glpiurl]/front/ticket.form.php?>
Thanks in advance for any help!