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#1 2023-04-17 15:14:39

Registered: 2023-04-17
Posts: 2

Anonymous followups not creating tickets

I'm trying to create tickets for 2 different inboxes, (Let's call Inbox1 and Inbox2) and as you can imagine those inboxs have an email to receive the tickets calls (Let's call email1 and email2), but for some reason just the Inbox1 is receiving the emails on the GLPI so it can start doing the automatic actions, the Inbox2 recognizes the emails but for some reason it doesn't make a new ticket for it like the Inbox1.

Both email1 and email2 create tickets through anonymous senders and both of them uses "Oauth IMAP" plugin to create the tickets

Observations: this is what shows when i try to import the emails to GLPI:

inbox1: Número de mensagens: disponível=100, já importado=10, recebido=0, recusado= 0, erros=0, lista negra=0 (availabe, already imported, RECEIVED, etc...)
inbox2: Número de mensagens: disponível=100, já importado=10, recebido=2, recusado= 0, erros=0, lista negra=0 (availabe, already imported, RECEIVED, etc...)

My GLPI version is 10.0.6

Any help will be very welcomed, ty


#2 2023-04-18 12:59:58

Registered: 2019-06-13
Posts: 227

Re: Anonymous followups not creating tickets

Check inside all the logs (mail.log, error.log, ecc)


#3 2023-04-19 16:41:51

Registered: 2023-04-17
Posts: 2

Re: Anonymous followups not creating tickets

Ok so after 2 days i discovered that all you have to do is to sync ur Inboxes with the GLPI, what i mean is:

1) go to your email Inbox and remove all the emails (recommend saving them into another file inside the email so you don't lose them) so you can kinda reset the INBOX.

2) After that, go to the GLPI and:

Configurantion (settings) > recipients (The inbox you have) > Recipient you have created > collect only non-readed emails (set as NO)

after setiing them as no, send an email so you can test if it's working and then set it to YES again later, that should do the job to kinda "sync" the INBOX and the GLPI from the very beginning.

Thx for the help, and you guys can close the ticket here.

Last edited by UserGian (2023-04-19 18:12:01)


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