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I am installing the GLPI agent on Linux and I see that there are mainly 2 ways to do it, through Snap and through Perl.
If I do it through Perl, it seems to only generate a folder in "etc/glpi-agent" with configuration files, but I don't see anything else.
If I do it through SNAP, it installs it in: /snap/glpi-agent/x2/etc/glpi-agent. Here there are a lot of files, but the configuration files appear to be read-only (I am root...)
Another problem I have is that I can't access it via http from another PC on the network. I have read the documentation several times but there is something that I am not seeing.
Agente 1.4
Install param to perl: perl --type=all --install
Install param to snap: snap install --classic --dangerous GLPI-Agent-1.4_amd64.snap
Hi Changemanager,
first you may try a nightly build as the perl installer may have been updated to support your distro (distro you forgot to tell which one it is and what version it is).
For snap configuration, you have to use a specific command as said in documentation: … .html#snap
For example, use this one to set GLPI server url:
snap set glpi-agent server=http://my-glpi-server/
By default, only GLPI server is authorized to access agent HTTP interface. But you can set httpd-trust option to trust other clients.
GLPI-Agent developer from Teclib' and GLPI-Network team
Previously FusionInventory-Agent maintainer
Pages: 1