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I found what i think might be a bug, so when someone add's lets say a external disk or connects a phone via USB on the computer it add's it on my "devices" list, and i dont know why, computers that have fingerprint readers inventory will add it on "devices" im not sure why it happens to be honest.
Has it happen to someone ?
Hi PedroMoreira07,
connected USB devices can be linked to your computer in GLPI if agent finds a serial number for it during inventory. This is a normal feature. This essentially permits to know where a given USB card or USB disk is connected. Imagine this is the one where all your passwords are saved, you want to know on which computer you forgot it ;-)
If you don't want it for some devices, you still can blacklist the found S/N and delete it in GLPI.
GLPI-Agent developer from Teclib' and GLPI-Network team
Previously FusionInventory-Agent maintainer
Hi gbougard,
Thanks for your reply, i see what you mean and how it can help me, but my problem is that some people on the company connect their personal phone on the computer and i get registered on GLPI, the only way is me removing when it add's it or can i remove this feature ?
As I said, you have to blacklist them: check the S/N of the device and add it in the blacklist rules, then you can remove them and they won't be inventoried any more.
GLPI-Agent developer from Teclib' and GLPI-Network team
Previously FusionInventory-Agent maintainer