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I have a problem with assigning a responsible user to ticket. Sometimes when creating an application and assigning a user to a task, the page reloads and logs me out of glpi. Often redirected to url
The cookie in glpi session duration is set to 2 days.
Has anyone encountered such a problem?
yes same bug as yours with v10.0.7
GLPI 10.0.7 / LSWS Enterprise 6.1.2 + PHP 8.1.25 with Zend OPcache + MariaDB 10.3.39 / CENTOS 7.9
perhaps this is related
[2023-05-13 15:32:01] glpiphplog.WARNING: *** PHP Warning (2): Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/public_html/GLPI/src/Session.php at line 1642
Backtrace :
src/Session.php:1589 Session::cleanIDORTokens()
src/Dropdown.php:2587 Session::validateIDOR()
src/Dropdown.php:255 Dropdown::getDropdownValue()
src/CommonDBTM.php:4097 Dropdown::show()
...ication/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php:99 CommonDBTM::dropdown() Glpi\Application\View\Extension\ItemtypeExtension->getItemtypeDropdown()
.../twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php:1226 __TwigTemplate_38515b77b80586e2d9f9802925f77f85->macro_dropdownField()
...tes/3b/3b98c357e70cf2dc40746611b7588fb8.php:332 twig_call_macro()
vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php:394 __TwigTemplate_3df7675b13ea7ef93b465812cb9cd53a->doDisplay()
vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php:367 Twig\Template->displayWithErrorHandling()
vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php:379 Twig\Template->display()
vendor/twig/twig/src/TemplateWrapper.php:40 Twig\Template->render()
.../twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php:1347 Twig\TemplateWrapper->render()
...tes/69/6915942e0b66718e330fc6351ade1884.php:152 twig_include()
vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php:394 __TwigTemplate_1059da8290047514be34a38300ed86fe->doDisplay()
vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php:367 Twig\Template->displayWithErrorHandling()
vendor/twig/twig/src/TemplateWrapper.php:47 Twig\Template->display()
src/Application/View/TemplateRenderer.php:179 Twig\TemplateWrapper->display()
src/Ticket.php:4405 Glpi\Application\View\TemplateRenderer->display()
src/CommonGLPI.php:676 Ticket->showForm()
ajax/common.tabs.php:116 CommonGLPI::displayStandardTab()
public/index.php:73 require()
GLPI 10.0.7 / LSWS Enterprise 6.1.2 + PHP 8.1.25 with Zend OPcache + MariaDB 10.3.39 / CENTOS 7.9
I opened a ticket on the git
GLPI 10.0.7 / LSWS Enterprise 6.1.2 + PHP 8.1.25 with Zend OPcache + MariaDB 10.3.39 / CENTOS 7.9
OWASP CRS v3.x for ModSec 2.9 is involved.
So I finally found clues in the logs, which led me to define exceptions for certain rules according to specific queries.
For those who are interested, here are the rules concerned:
GLPI 10.0.7 / LSWS Enterprise 6.1.2 + PHP 8.1.25 with Zend OPcache + MariaDB 10.3.39 / CENTOS 7.9