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After check my elier problem witch updating info of internal devices is browser related, I check if my other problem isn't the same, and bingo !
Problem is :
if I edit any entry in knowledge base, screen looks like cutted on the left side, I cant see come text edit controls, edit windows are partially visible. Basically form is alligned max to left and no centered. And of course everything in IE
But after use FireFox, it is ok.
Maby someone cak look at it in menwhile
Euh I have corrected this bug in the cvs version yesterday.
In which version do you have this bug ?
JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
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Uh, mea culpa..
I've checked it on 0.6-rc2 and not on cvs version. Now it wotks correctly.
Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the reply.
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