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I have read the documentation but am still having difficulties. I want to scan and inventory my entire network, with its Windows machines and printers, do I have to install at least one agent? Do all of my Windows machines have to have 'winrm' enabled? I wanted a solution that doesn't require me to go to/alter every computer's settings. Sorry if that's obvious, but for me it's too complicated to follow the documentation.
Hi JVGomes,
windows remoteinventory via winrm is a feature from glpi-agent. You have to:
1. Install one agent on one computer (windows, linux or MacOSX)
2. Enable winrm on all your windows computers
3. Setup the installed agent with one "remote" for each windows computer
4. Make sure your installed agent run as a service and manage to contact your GLPI server
Currently in glpi-agent nightly build, and available in next 1.5 version, you can use the glpi-agent integrated toolbox plugin to manage your remotes list and request remoteinventory. An option has also been added to authorize making remote inventories in parallel. This could be important if you have a lot of computers.
About printers, if they are connected to a computer, they will be inventoried at the same time than the remote computer. If they are network printers and support SNMP, you'll probably need to setup netdiscovery and netinventory tasks. For it you'll need to use glpi-inventory-plugin (available in GLPI Marketplace) and you'll only need one agent. This can be the same agent than the one doing remote inventories.
Actually we don't support setting up remoteinventory task from GLPI.
For the details, you'll still have to study the online documentation.
GLPI-Agent developer from Teclib' and GLPI-Network team
Previously FusionInventory-Agent maintainer
Pages: 1