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Hello, in my company, which is made up of several departments, we use the LDAP infrastructure for authentication. Users in the LDAP structure have an attribute called physicalDeliveryOfficeName which identifies membership in one department rather than another. Configuration is managed through role-> policy-> action.
The authorization and assignment role called "Department users" has as criterion "physicalDeliveryOfficeName" and as search value the string belonging to the name of the department. If the LDAP attribute matches, then the action expects assignment to the Home Department entity.
The problem is that when the new user logs in for the first time, they are associated with the root entity and not with the department they belong to.
I share this with you sure to find a solution to the problem. Thanks in advance
GLPI version 10.0.1
Same thing here :
go to
Setup-> authentication -> Ldap Directory -> "Your AD" -> Users
place the physicaldeliveryofficename in the Location field
This is the only way I found to separate users at first login.
I have several departments too, and I was prefer to use entity because every department is autonomous in IT budget, but I'm not able to make the rule works.
I created an LDAP criteria with the physicaldeliveryofficename attribute, but in my opinion this flield is populated after the user creation.
If you find a solution please update this post.
best regards
Pages: 1