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#1 2022-06-03 19:40:52

Registered: 2022-06-03
Posts: 8

AIO computer imported as both a computer and a monitor

v.10.0.0 and using glpi agent 1.2 with the glpi inventory from the marketplace.

First of all the native glpi agent/inventory is a very cool feature, but...

We use "all in one" computers and the agent imported my test computer as both a computer and a monitor into assets.  Is there any rule or something I can make that will not create these duplicates?


#2 2022-06-06 15:06:50

From: Montpellier, France
Registered: 2021-07-21
Posts: 558

Re: AIO computer imported as both a computer and a monitor

Hi Opcero,

this looks like a possible bug. Can you share the output of the following command to see if this permits to reproduce the case:

glpi-inventory --partial monitor

Don't forget to obfuscate any sensible data in the output.

GLPI-Agent developer from Teclib' and GLPI-Network team
Previously FusionInventory-Agent maintainer


#3 2022-06-06 18:34:28

Registered: 2022-06-03
Posts: 8

Re: AIO computer imported as both a computer and a monitor

c:\Program Files\GLPI-Agent>glpi-inventory --partial monitor
[info] New inventory from for local0
   "action": "inventory",
   "content": {
      "bios": {
         "assettag": "",
         "bdate": "2021-12-08",
         "biosserial": "5Hxxxx2",
         "bmanufacturer": "Dell Inc.",
         "bversion": "1.18.0",
         "enclosureserial": "5Hxxxx2",
         "mmodel": "0X2MKR",
         "msn": "/5Hxxxx2/CN7443165G0CT9/",
         "smanufacturer": "Dell Inc.",
         "smodel": "OptiPlex 7440 AIO",
         "ssn": "5Hxxxx2"
      "hardware": {
         "chassis_type": "All in One",
         "memory": 16077,
         "name": "computer name",
         "uuid": "4C4Cxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx24432",
         "vmsystem": "Physical",
         "winlang": "1033",
         "winowner": "me",
         "winprodid": "00342-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx",
         "winprodkey": "PW9N4-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-9D782",
         "workgroup": ""
      "monitors": [
            "caption": "OptiPlex 7440",
            "description": "39/2013",
            "manufacturer": "Dell Inc.",
            "serial": "00xxxx2"
            "caption": "DELL E2209W",
            "description": "10/2009",
            "manufacturer": "Dell Inc.",
            "name": "DELL E2209W(Analog)",
            "serial": "F1xxxxxxxxxxL",
            "type": "DELL E2209W(Analog)"
      "versionclient": "GLPI-Inventory_v1.2"
   "deviceid": "",
   "itemtype": "Computer"

c:\Program Files\GLPI-Agent>

Last edited by Opcero (2022-06-06 18:41:53)


#4 2022-06-06 19:16:42

From: Montpellier, France
Registered: 2021-07-21
Posts: 558

Re: AIO computer imported as both a computer and a monitor

Indeed, this is not really a duplicate as the computer is itself a monitor with a serialnumber dedicated to the monitor.
But you can simply add a rule which refuses to import any monitor which contains "OptiPlex" in name.

Here is the export of such a rule a successfuly used on your sample:

<entities_id>Root entity</entities_id>
<name>Skip OptiPlex as monitor</name>
<date_creation>2022-06-06 19:00:08</date_creation>

GLPI-Agent developer from Teclib' and GLPI-Network team
Previously FusionInventory-Agent maintainer


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