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GLPI 10.0.0
Plugin GLPI Inventory - 1.0.0 (Marketplace)
GLPI Agent 1.2.0
I link and sync all my Active Directory users to GLPI.
My windows agents send to GLPI "Alternate username" as - and "User" normal linked
But my linux (Debian 10 and Debian 11) send to GLPI "Alternate username" as -\user - and "User" - not linked and blank.
I change sssd.conf and add "full_name_format = %1$s@%2$s" but this is not work for GLPI Agent.
Please any solution
Prod: CentOS 7.2 - PHP 5.4.16 - MariaDB 5.5.50 - GLPI 9.1.x - fusioninventory
Dev: None
PC > 3500
Hi StackaN
I think the following github PR should fix your problem on server side: Improve first user regexp; closes #11565 #11655
I has been merged and so will be integrated in coming soon GLPI v10.0.1.
GLPI-Agent developer from Teclib' and GLPI-Network team
Previously FusionInventory-Agent maintainer