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As Glpi 10 have a native windows agent, it would be interresting to:
1) have the agent sit in the windows system tray and make it easier to create a ticket by just a click and filling a popup form with just two filds: category and details. I have seen this in the Itarian inventory and helpdesk agent.
2) Have the agent do patch management, at least for windows os.
Rocky Linux 8 - php-7.4.27 + memcached - MariaDB-server-10.6.5 - GLPI 9.5.6 + Fusioninventory 9.5+3.0
Hi fathi.bennasr
for the first, this is a suggestion. It could be developed as a separated software but it could also be integrated in the agent to avoid adding more and more softwares. I don't think this will happen unless a customer requests and invest for such a feature.
For the second suggestion, agent is firstly an inventory software. But it can run some tasks like deploy, netinventory or ESX. A management task could be a new task for the agent. But this would involve a lot of development we are not ready to invest by ourselves.
Anyway thank you for your suggestions.
GLPI-Agent developer from Teclib' and GLPI-Network team
Previously FusionInventory-Agent maintainer
Hi gbougard,
Thank you for your clear answers.
Rocky Linux 8 - php-7.4.27 + memcached - MariaDB-server-10.6.5 - GLPI 9.5.6 + Fusioninventory 9.5+3.0
Pages: 1