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Any english users out there that are using the Cacti plugin?
The thread regarding the Cacti plugin being fixed
( )
was closed. I am still having issues with Cacti graphs not being displayed.
I'm using
GLPI version: 0.70
Cacti plugin: 1.3
I have modified locales/fr_FR.php as follows (in an attempt to translate to english) but I am not sure what to modify to correct the issue. Is there a newer version of the plugin that has these correction made> What specifically needs to be edited to correct the issue?
Here is what I have so far:
GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by the INDEPNET Development Team.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
To read the license please visit
// Original Author of file: GRISARD Jean Marc & CAILLAUD Xavier
Purpose of file:
/******************** Plugin Cacti ***********************/
$LANGCACTI["title"][0] = $title;
$LANGCACTI["title"][1] = "Hôtes en surveillance dans Cacti";
$LANGCACTI["title"][2] = "Service(s) surveillé(s) dans Oreon";
$LANGCACTI["title"][3] = "Information sur les contrôles";
$LANGCACTI["title"][4] = "Status Information";
$LANGCACTI["title"][5] = "Service";
$LANGCACTI["title"][6] = "Cacti";
$LANGCACTI["title"][7] = "Nagios";
$LANGCACTI["picAlt"][0] = "cacti logo";
$LANGCACTI["menu"][0] = "Menu du plugin Cacti";
$LANGCACTI["menu"][1] = "Hosts";
$LANGCACTI["menu"][2] = "Services";
$LANGCACTI["menu"][3] = "Configuration";
$LANGCACTI["menu"][4] = "All Graphs";
$LANGCACTI["onglet"][0] = "Configuration";
$LANGCACTI["onglet"][1] = "Graphs";
$LANGCACTI["onglet"][3] = "Association";
$LANGCACTI["onglet"][5] = "All";
$LANGCACTI["config"][0] = "Configuration du modules Cacti -> GLPI";
$LANGCACTI["config"][1] = "Cacti DB User";
$LANGCACTI["config"][2] = "Cacti Host";
$LANGCACTI["config"][3] = "Password for Cacti user";
$LANGCACTI["config"][4] = "Cacti DB Name";
$LANGCACTI["config"][5] = "Failed to connect to Cacti database";
$LANGCACTI["config"][6] = "Connexion à la base de données oreon reussie";
$LANGCACTI["config"][7] = "Add a Cacti database";
$LANGCACTI["config"][8] = "ID";
$LANGCACTI["config"][9] = "Entity";
$LANGCACTI["config"][10] = "Configuration of Cacti databases";
$LANGCACTI["config"][11] = "Cacti URL";
$LANGCACTI["buttons"][0] = "No";
$LANGCACTI["buttons"][1] = "Yes";
$LANGCACTI["buttons"][2] = "Empty";
$LANGCACTI["error"][0] = "Please complete all required feilds";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][0] = "Hostname";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][1] = "Liste des éléments surveillés par groupes";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][2] = "Host non sous contrôle dans cacti";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][3] = "IP Adress";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][4] = "Hôte associé";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][5] = "SNMP Information";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][6] = "Host Information";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][7] = "SNMP Community";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][8] = "SNMP Version";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][9] = "SNMP User";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][10] = "SNMP Password";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][11] = "List of all hosts";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][12] = "SNMP Port";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][13] = "Has no result";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][14] = "SNMP Timeout";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][15] = "All graphs";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][16] = "Historique des status";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][17] = "Historique des status Oreon de ce Service";
$LANGCACTI["cacti"][18] = "Pas d'historique de status Oreon pour ce Service";
$LANGCACTI["profile"][0] = "Gestion des droits";
$LANGCACTI["profile"][1] = "$title";
$LANGCACTI["profile"][2] = "Configuration";
$LANGCACTI["profile"][3] = "Créer un ".$title."";
$LANGCACTI["profile"][4] = "Mettre à jour un ".$title."";
$LANGCACTI["profile"][5] = "Supprimer un ".$title."";
$LANGCACTI["profile"][6] = "Listes des profils déjà configurés";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][1] = "Ajouter un type";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][2] = "Type d'".$title."";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][3] = "Configuration du plugin ".$title."";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][4] = "Installer le plugin $title";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][5] = "Mettre à jour le plugin $title vers la version 1.3";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][6] = "Désinstaller le plugin $title";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][7] = "Attention, la mise à jour du plugin est irréversible.";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][8] = "Attention, la désinstallation du plugin est irréversible.<br> Vous perdrez toutes les données.";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][9] = "Associer";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][10] = "Dissocier";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][11] = "Mode d'emploi";
$LANGCACTI["setup"][12] = "FAQ";
Thank you!
Well, I feel like an idiot... After viewing the page source and noticing that all the images referenced were looking for http://localhost/cacti/graph_image.php?local_graph_id=82&rra_id=0&graph_height=200&graph_width=600
I changed the Cacti URL and all is well. At least it motivated me to go in and do the translations
thanks for future translation.
Create en_GB.php and me the file. psycheweb [at] free [point] fr
Xavier Caillaud
Blog GLPI Infotel
Will do, I'm almost done with it! Thanks!
Cacti plugin now has en_GB (english) in svn
Last edited by tylswans (2008-01-22 03:54:39)
Pages: 1
Topic closed