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La mise à jour 9.1.2 vers 9.5.1 plante dans la phase 9.4.6
[2020-09-24 08:21:30] glpisqllog.ERROR: DBmysql::query() in /var/www/html/glpi/inc/dbmysql.class.php line 306
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: DELETE `glpi_profilerights` FROM `glpi_profilerights` WHERE `name` = 'backup'
Error: Incorrect key file for table './glpidb/glpi_profilerights.MYI'; try to repair it
Backtrace :
install/update_945_946.php:46 DBmysql->deleteOrDie()
inc/update.class.php:464 update945to946()
install/update.php:474 Update->doUpdates()
install/update.php:587 doUpdateDb()
Si je relance (en mode console), rien ne se fait
Si j'essaie de me connecter depuis l'interfdace GLPI, j'ai l'erreur suivante :
PHP Notice (8): Undefined index: password_expiration_delay in /var/www/html/glpi/inc/auth.class.php at line 361
PHP Notice (8): Undefined index: password_expiration_lock_delay in /var/www/html/glpi/inc/auth.class.php at line 362
SQL Error "1054": Unknown column 'password_last_update' in 'field list' in query "SELECT `id`, `password`, ADDDATE(`password_last_update`, INTERVAL 0 DAY) AS `password_expiration_date`, ADDDATE(`password_last_update`, INTERVAL 0 DAY) AS `lock_date` FROM `glpi_users` WHERE `name` = 'glpi_jpc' AND `authtype` = '1' AND `auths_id` = '0'"
Pages: 1