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all. I am trying to disable no-mandatory fields in GLPI. As the application doesn't offer this option, I am trying to change the source code to do it.
This is the piece of code that is related to the mandatory fields:
function getMandatoryMark($field, $force=false) {
if ($force || $this->isMandatoryField($field)) {
return "<span class='red'>*</span>";
return '';
And this is what I am trying to do:
function getMandatoryMark($field, $force=false) {
if ($force || $this->isMandatoryField($field)) {
return "<span class='red'>*</span>";
return "<span onclick='return false;'>*</span>";
return '';
But when I make this change, create tickets page doesn't load. I am not familiar with PHP so I have no idea what is going on...
Just create a ticket template, name it (e.g. EasyTicket), and make mandatory, add or hide whatever fields you need. I would suggest using Simplified Interface for end users. Less fuss