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#1 2007-09-19 12:59:09

Registered: 2007-08-23
Posts: 4

[BUG]: incomplete deletion of computers and their associations

I have imported about 10 computers from ocs then, I created the users and associated them to the machines.

I've noticed that deleting the computers from OCS, they were deleted from GLPI too, and it's ok.

The problem is that, while in the computers sections there are no computers anymore, if I go to the information panel of one of the previously associated users, i see that their associations to the deleted computers are still actives and if i follow the link to the computer i can see its old informations (..!)

For example: I have a user Max and a pc maxpc01. In the max panel i can see it has, among its devices, the maxpc01 computer. If i delete the maxpc01 from ocs, i can see that it's not present anymore in the glpi computers section. However, if i go to the Max page, I can see that maxpc01 is still listed in the Max devices list, and clicking in the computer name I still can find the informations that should have been deleted..

Maybe I'm wrong?


#2 2007-09-20 09:03:59

Registered: 2007-08-23
Posts: 4

Re: [BUG]: incomplete deletion of computers and their associations

Ok, I've found that this behaviour is not wrong. The remaining information about deleted computers are just to be considered as backup. I can't use them but if I want, I can restore them.

I think is a good feature but, in its actual form, I think it gives some problems. I think it could be useful to create an utility to find and delete all these "dead computer" in order to erase all references to them.

Thank you


#3 2007-09-20 10:02:53

From: Rennes
Registered: 2005-08-26
Posts: 11,632

Re: [BUG]: incomplete deletion of computers and their associations

plugin utilitaires do that i think

Xavier Caillaud
Blog GLPI Infotel


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