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Hi there guys !
First of all i would like to thank you and congratulate you for this really great piece of software, it really makes our life here a lot easier.
Now, i would like to see some features in the next version, if possible of course, let's see:
1 - Using an existing user profile as a "template" to create a new one
2 - A new possible setting in the Assistance section in profile definition to set if a profile can delete follow-ups (own, or other's), right now any user with a command center interface can delete any existing follow-up.
3 - I have not found a way to give a user with command center profile permission to see and add follow-ups only to the tickets assigned to itself and not other users even if belonging to the same group, that's a particular request here where i work but i think it might be useful to others as well.
Thanks in advance
Alvaro, from Bogota - Colombia
Last edited by alvaroarb (2007-08-29 19:30:53)
You? ... Yes, me ... me, me, me ... me too !
Thanks for your interest in GLPI.
1 and 2 It would be interesting, i put it in our TODO list
3- already possible now, you need to give the good right in the profile.
JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
Apportez votre pierre au projet GLPI : Soutenir
Thanks for the answer Jean.
Well, regarding item 3 would you be so kind to guide me then to do that? let me see if i can express correctly exactly what we need to do.
We have 3 different support teams here:
The FIRST and primary one who gets the phone request or redirects the suport ticket and serves as first and second level support (that is -first level- try to give some orientation and try to resolve i the simplest way via telephone and - the second level - means connect to the users's pc remotely or go to the user's workstation to solve the problem, usually related to O.S. or internet, mail client, offimatic programs and various other general and common issues). This one is called GTS
The SECOND group, called ORFEO, takes exclusively care of an in-house document management application named that way (GPL by the way).
The THIRD group, called INTERNAL-APPS takes care exclusively of in-house ERP related support.
Now, what we need is this: the GTS group is the master group (full permissions) and we have no problems with that, but, the ORFEO and INTERNAL-APPS groups should be completely isolated from the rest, once a ticket is assigned to one of them they should be visible only to their own members (yes, i know, this is controlled by the group membresy) but my current problem has been to make their tickets appear in the default view because they don't, i've already managed to make them "see" only their own group tickets in the Assistance --> Tracking section. now th current permissions for this two profiles is this: Create a ticket: Yes Delete a ticket: no Add follow-ups to my tickets: yes Add follow-ups to all tickets: yes Update a ticket: no Own a ticket: yes Steal a ticket: no Assign a ticket:yes Show tickets: yes View all follow-ups (public and private):no Show public follow-ups:yes Item statistics: yes
View his planning: yes View all planning:no Show tickets of my groups: yes
By the way , it would also be interesting for this kind o setup to have (yet) another possible setting in the profiles section so a restricted group -like this two- can reassign tickets only to members of their own group (next version todo's maybe?).
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Last edited by alvaroarb (2007-09-24 20:26:06)
You? ... Yes, me ... me, me, me ... me too !
Pages: 1