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Hi again,
I continue using a bit deeper and I realized that the monitors were not imported.
Is it possible to import the monitor information from OCS and have linked with the right computer ?
thanks a lot.
Sorry but monitor are imported from OCS.
Are you sure that your configuration of importation is correct ?
JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
Apportez votre pierre au projet GLPI : Soutenir
Sorry, you were right, I didnt set up the importation of monitors... but I set up like Global importation and now I only have a few monitor and when each one has several direct connection to different computers... one even has 73 computers connected to him... something wier ...
I am missing something else for sure!
any idea?
thanks a lot.
Sorry again, I find out the meaning of globalize ... so I changed it to unit import... now I should delete all the monitors and sincronize again....???
I already deleted all monitor from GLPI and try to sincronize information but nothing happens. Only information from new computers include the monitor information.
I have 100 computers but only one monitor....
What could I do? I cannot delete all the computers because already fill manually some fields of each computer...
Any suggestion?
thanks a lot
I am also noticing some issues with multiple monitors. OCSNG sees say, 3 monitors and the serial numbers match up. GLPI will see only one of those, and sometimes the serial # is incorrect. It is inconsistant whether a force synch will see the other monitors...