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#1 2018-11-02 10:06:20

Registered: 2018-11-02
Posts: 1

GLPI + Fusion Inventory

me and my friend are currently in testing of getting a inventory system in place and we both came across Fusion inventory running on GLPI

We have successfully installed GLPI and Fusion inventory plugin but we are having some difficulties trying to customize it.

We are having issues of setting up SSL for this system

and I am having issues of trying to hide certain software that is being picked up. (Windows Updates mostly)

Is there any guides on how to do the software part? I've been researching google and the glpi forums but coming up blank and most are in french and when I translate it, still doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Right now it takes everything that is installed on a computer but I'd like to either skip the (KB######) windows updates, or atleast hide them from appearing.



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