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#1 2017-08-23 08:36:23

Registered: 2017-08-23
Posts: 4

Improve computer models management between Fusion Inventory and GLPI

I have built out of GLPI, FusionInventory, CustomFields, Microsoft MDT (Deployment tool) and a home made database synchronisation tool something that is close to SCCM at very low cost. I plan to release it as soon as it is clean enough to be shared.

Basically, I use the data from GLPI to feed the MDT database. This enables automatic OS deployment just pressing "F12" at boot (PXE boot to MDT). Our technicians just choose the OS version, the machine name, the additional applications (MS office, OpenOffice....) in GLPI and that's it. They don't need to go to the Microsoft MDT server and their only work tool is GLPI.

In order to manager hardware specificities, I rely on the computer model to set some default, model based values. This used to work fine until the latest update (21) in FusionInventory. A lot of machines where identified with a technical code for the model rather than a commercial name. This code is what MDT relies on to identify a model (plus, several models with slightly different hardware may often the same commercial name). The output on screen is much nicer (20C600JJFR is now ThinkPad Edge E540) but MDT is broken.

Therefore my suggestion is:

- Have GLPI manage both the commercial name and the technical code for computer models.

- Add one column to the glpi_computermodels table for code. Make this column indexed unique while names can be non unique.

- Show both code and name on computer description page.

- Adapt Fusion Inventory import code to store both informations.

Indeed, there will be an issue when two different versions of FI will report a different name for the same code. I guess the rule should be:

- If code and name reported are the same and conflict with an existing model where they differ, keep the one that differs as this is probably more up to date.

- If code and name reported are different, then update table. Last to talk wins!

Thanks for your feedback



#2 2017-08-23 11:10:50

Registered: 2016-09-25
Posts: 420

Re: Improve computer models management between Fusion Inventory and GLPI

Salut, Hi,

It interests me a lot, just one thing if you can not forget an interface in French that would be perfect smile smilewink

Virtual Box \ Ubuntu 20.4  \ GLPI 9.5.3


#3 2017-08-23 18:09:45

Registered: 2017-08-23
Posts: 4

Re: Improve computer models management between Fusion Inventory and GLPI

What makes you think it is not in French already :-) What it really lacks is an English interface in fact.

But anyway, there is no real GUI. I use a few additional fields created with the CustomFields plugin, and those can be created in any language, and then everything else is just a big shell script synchronizing the MSSQL and MariaDB databases for GLPI and MDT.


#4 2017-08-24 07:57:00

Registered: 2016-09-25
Posts: 420

Re: Improve computer models management between Fusion Inventory and GLPI

There is a lot of developer who uses English (even French) and forget that not all users are anglophone, my personal English is so bad that I used Google translation! (Even for this text)

When I see this:
I tell myself that for a French project the base does not have 100% is that there is a forgetfulness somewhere!

It should not be a habit

Virtual Box \ Ubuntu 20.4  \ GLPI 9.5.3


#5 2017-09-05 16:36:49

Registered: 2017-08-23
Posts: 4

Re: Improve computer models management between Fusion Inventory and GLPI

The plugin is now ready for a first round of tests, bug reports and suggestions.

As for languages, sorry, I only speak French and English. But if you are willing to contribute, don't hesitate to go to Transifex as you suggest. The plugin is registred there and you can add a translation to whichever language you want. I'll greatly appreciate.


#6 2017-09-15 14:16:05

From: rennes
Registered: 2007-03-28
Posts: 127

Re: Improve computer models management between Fusion Inventory and GLPI


alors là, ca c'est du plugin qui sur le papier est fort interessant mais impossible de l'activer, j'ai ce message là:

Incompatible PHP Installation. Requires module mssql

VM Linux
GLPI 10.x


#7 2017-09-15 21:00:21

Registered: 2017-08-23
Posts: 4

Re: Improve computer models management between Fusion Inventory and GLPI


Je suis désolé que vous n'ayez pas été capable d'installer mon plugin. Avez-vous essayé d'ajouter le module PHP MSSQL comme le suggère le message d'information que j'ai pris la peine de mettre? Il me semble assez explicite.
Pour mémoire MDT fonctionne exclusivement sous MS-SQL, il n'est donc pas surprenant qu'un module compatible soit requis pour le piloter.
Ce module n'existe pas pour PHP 7, mais la prochaine livraison de mon plugin acceptera l'ODBC à la place. C'est un peu plus difficile à configurer au niveau système Linux (je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de tester sous Windows)
Je synchronise mon travail sur GitHub, vous pouvez toujours aller voir le dernier état d'avancement sur le site (sans aucune garantie de stabilité bien sur), ou même participer au développement.

Last edited by DebugBill (2017-09-15 21:04:28)


#8 2017-09-18 10:00:07

From: rennes
Registered: 2007-03-28
Posts: 127

Re: Improve computer models management between Fusion Inventory and GLPI


alors oui le message est explicite mais, je ne sais pas si c'est mon rhume carabiné qui me cause cela mais la méthode d’ajout de ce module ne me parle pas.
J'ai rajouté l'extension dans php.ini mais ça ne change rien.

VM Linux
GLPI 10.x


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