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#1 2015-12-17 08:49:51

Registered: 2009-03-02
Posts: 3

create a remote controll (rdp/teamviewer) button by the computers

Within our company we use Teamviewer to help our collega. We use an teamviewer database wich we fille with information from GLPI.
Is it possible to create a button behind the computer name so you can start a remote session with that workstation?

The best feature will be, if you can choose if you need rdp or another way off controlling the workstation/computer. (teamviewer / VNC /PCanywhere)


#2 2015-12-17 10:21:32

From: Lyon
Registered: 2013-07-10
Posts: 69

Re: create a remote controll (rdp/teamviewer) button by the computers

If you use Firefox, there is a plugin which allow you to click on the IP address in GLPI : … protocols/

I don't know if that answer your need, but if it can help !


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