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#1 2006-08-16 13:01:45

Registered: 2006-04-03
Posts: 46

Display problems when name too long

Good morning.

GLPI shows the name of the user in the top right corner, under the Help and Logout buttons.

My name in our LDAP server is very long, and it gets under that buttons and the Administration button. The problem is that when I click on Administration, I can't get to the Users menu option. The program takes the click on the name, so when I want to go to Users I go to my user profile.

Similar problem when I look at a KB article written by me. My name goes over the Category name, so it gets unreadable. This could be corrected having the author name and creation date under the category.

I use Firefox 1.5, but the problem is the same with IE 6.0. I have the screen in 1024x768.

Any idea? (Making the name shorter in the LDAP server is not an option. :-) )

Thanks in advance,

GLPI 0.70, Linux Fedora 4, Apache/2.2.0 (Unix), PHP/4.4.1,  MySQL 5.0.18


#2 2006-08-16 13:46:20

GLPI - Lead
Registered: 2004-09-13
Posts: 9,180

Re: Display problems when name too long

I put this in our todo list.

I think it would be corrected in the 0.68.1 version.

JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
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#3 2007-02-11 17:47:48

Registered: 2006-04-03
Posts: 46

Re: Display problems when name too long

The problem still exists on GLPI 0.68.3.

It is solved for the Knowledge Base Issue, but I still can't access the Administration->Users menu when the actual user name is too long.

Trying to click on the Users option brings me to the actual user profile.

I've tested it with Firefox 2.0 and IE 6.

GLPI 0.70, Linux Fedora 4, Apache/2.2.0 (Unix), PHP/4.4.1,  MySQL 5.0.18


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