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#1 2006-09-08 15:50:16

Registered: 2006-08-28
Posts: 379

Not clear on licensing..


Something I'm not clear on with GLPIs licensing "counters"... I sync to OCS-NG, and import all the software details, but by default, it seems to say that I have "Bought" 1 license for each piece of software, by default.

My understanding would be that this should be 0, until I actually agree that the software has been purchased (to which I then "add the license").


GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003


#2 2006-09-30 19:52:01

GLPI - Lead
From: Poitiers
Registered: 2004-09-13
Posts: 14,513

Re: Not clear on licensing..

you want that all licences imported by OCS have buy field to No ?

MoYo - Julien Dombre - Association INDEPNET
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#3 2006-09-30 21:01:47

Registered: 2006-08-28
Posts: 379

Re: Not clear on licensing..

That would be right I think... that way I know that we don't have the licenses for that application until I actually add them to the system  - or have I misunderstoof what GLPI is doing?

GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003


#4 2006-10-25 21:30:57

Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 101

Re: Not clear on licensing..

What I'm currently doing is just treating global as "to buy" until I move them over to a real license, however +1 for this I think. Especially as an audit tool, it's important to have the option to NOT assume that every software has a license.

Also, I think it would be very helpful if GLPI (unless it already does this) could use OCSNG imports of software frequently, say once a day to help automate licensing. For instance, if the software isn't listed as installed on the latest OCSNG inventory, make an option to automatically uninstall the software in GLPI.

Likewise, if there is a license defined for a software in GLPI, automatically use that rather than global for the software install.

Finally, I really need some help with understanding either imports of OCSNG software Categories and a way to maybe wipe out the software import and reimport that, but not the rest of GLPI.

Even better would be a way to do the categorizing after the fact in GLPI - say you have Acrobat 6, Acrobat 6.01 and Acrobat 6.02. I'd love to handle the software licensing as Acrobat 6.x, and have installed software show that way. Is this something categories can do in GLPI?


#5 2007-01-27 16:07:54

Registered: 2006-08-28
Posts: 379

Re: Not clear on licensing..

I'm still having trouble with understanding the licenses..

I've posted a s/shot here:

In it you'll see that GLPI shows the default _global_ with 1 license, then it shows the other detected/imported licenses from OCS.

Finally, it shows my purchased license details.

But I can't seem to get GLPI to link the data in the global installations, to the purchased ones..

GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003


#6 2007-01-29 17:30:21

Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 101

Re: Not clear on licensing..

I think what you have to do is go to update, move, and then select the license you want to move them to. The problem I have is I have some random _global_ license remaining that I can't delete.

If you're not getting the license display next to the move selection, it's a browser issue - try either Opera 9.1 or FireFox Both work for me.


#7 2007-01-31 01:12:24

Registered: 2006-08-28
Posts: 379

Re: Not clear on licensing..

Where is this "move" option?  I'm using FF2..
Is it visible from within software.form.php?ID=, or   software.licenses.php?form=update&lID=

What would I be moving? (as in, am I moving - in my s/shot example - 41323453 to "global", or from "global" to 41323453 ?)

GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003


#8 2007-01-31 19:41:26

Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 101

Re: Not clear on licensing..

Go to Inventory, software, installations, update dropdown box.
I assume you'd want to move from global to your actual license.

Last edited by jp10558 (2007-01-31 19:41:57)


#9 2007-01-31 22:26:09

Registered: 2006-08-28
Posts: 379

Re: Not clear on licensing..


I see the drop down list, and I can choose "global", but when I click update nothing happens, the page just refreshes.. (updated the www page, see Picture B).

GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003


#10 2007-01-31 23:28:27

Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 101

Re: Not clear on licensing..

Sorry, what you need to do is add the actual license you have, as unbought. Then you can select the actual license and move the unglobalized licenses to that. Finally, you can select whatever machines you have bought a license for and choose from the dropdown to change the bought status to yes for those.


#11 2007-02-12 00:40:17

Registered: 2006-08-28
Posts: 379

Re: Not clear on licensing..


I've gotten myself in a right muddle  now.. I'll try and post an image later, but maybe you can answer these questions:

- Why is there a drop-down box for the license counts?  If I buy "10" licenses for XYZ serial #, and then move "10" PCs into that license group, then shouldn't it automatically count that all 10 are used?

- Against some of the unglobalised PCs, I have the option of Show and Add (coin icons).  What are these for?  And howcome some are Show, and some are Add?

- I seem to have multiple _global_ Serial groups.  I can see that if Bought=yes/no would cause two groups, but I've moved all the unglobalised PCs into _global_ with "No".... but I still have a "Yes" group- saying 1 license in use, but not listing any PCs.

Anyone have a picture they can post that has a decent example of how this should be used? (eg something showing the correct numbers) ?

GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003


#12 2007-02-12 21:28:02

Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 101

Re: Not clear on licensing..

Heh, these are some of the things I'm trying to figure out.

1. I mostly don't use the license dropdowns, it seems it assums every entry is bought by default. This would be much more useful if it was smarter about this, maybe in the future. Right now I adjust by hand.

2. That is for financial information, for some of them you must have added details, hence "show", ones with no details give you the option to "add". I haven't used this yet, so I have no idea exactly how it should work.

It looks like it gives you the same thing you get from [computer listing] -> Management tab, "activate the financial information". So you can add where you bought the PC, the amortization length of the purchase etc... Then we have entries like "Immobilization number*:" which I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. There is more, but I'm not in accounting really.

3. I think that is a bug. The only way to get rid of the "_global_" with a random # of licenses but no installs shown is to manually access the MYSQL database and remove those entries.

Finally, there is a # in () somewhere in the license listing that I think gives you the key for finding it in the database.


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