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#1 2007-01-26 21:07:03

Registered: 2006-04-03
Posts: 46

Info in History tab


I want to thank all the GLPI developers for their possitive feedback on all the user's issues. :-)

I miss some info in the History tab. I can see history info on an item for the second and following modifications. So when info for an item is charged (manually or from OCS), there is no history entry.

That sometimes confuses all the team because when we find some wrong info we don't know if it was entered manually or if it was taken from OCS.

It would also be nice having in the History the info on when an item was deleted or restored and who did it. Now that info can be seen on the general log, but if the event happened some time ago that info may be lost.

Would you consider those suggestions, please?


GLPI 0.70, Linux Fedora 4, Apache/2.2.0 (Unix), PHP/4.4.1,  MySQL 5.0.18


#2 2007-01-27 11:39:11

GLPI - Lead
From: Poitiers
Registered: 2004-09-13
Posts: 14,513

Re: Info in History tab

already done in the SVN for the 0.7 version :

MoYo - Julien Dombre - Association INDEPNET
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